Chapter 2 - Prologue II

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The student council president of Dominion Girl's High School sat with her vice president and the captain of the school's Tankery team as she listened to the plan that had been put forth.

"We can request exchange students for the Tankery team. I'm sure you know that the team is fairly new and that there isn't a ton of skill left from the old days. Ayame, you had four picked out?"

"Yes, Vice President. First, we have a Ms. Fraser of Scotland, a competent commander with success in a Lend-Lease style team. She's had experience with operating and commanding American vehicles for years, so she's a natural choice. Second, we have a Ms. Lukas of Germany. She's known for being an excellent gunner, especially with German guns. Since the 37mm is essentially a copy of the PaK 36, she's probably familiar with it already. Her skill isn't just in accuracy but also in adaptability and quick reaction, and I guarantee that she can give those sniper girls from Saunders and Pravda a run for their money. Another natural choice."

The president and vice-president were obviously confused by the tank terminology, but Ayame continued.

"Next, we have a Ms. Bugrov of Russia. She is the daughter of a military family and has been doing Tankery for much of her life and is therefore proficient in any role. I can have her do anything and teach anything the team needs. Finally, we have a wildcard: Ms. Miller of the United States. Her claim to fame is really from one event, but it shows her adaptability and insane skill as a driver as well as her knowledge and ability to use it quickly. Ms. Miller was in an amateur team as a driver, and managed to pull off a win at a skirmish with a semi-professional team that was going to a regional finals match, commanding another tank as well as her own from the driver's position. Apparently she's dropped off the Tankery map since then, but it is rumored she has taken to amateur motorsports and street racing, which is how the technical students heard of her. All of these students have also shown a significant amount of independent leadership, and I believe they could functionally fill the role of our instructor, since ours doesn't exactly know much or do anything currently. What do you think, Ms. President?"

"It sounds interesting and a good way to get students into the school, and I understood nothing of the details, but why not find talent here in Japan?"

"Well, it's not like we're attractive to anyone around here. Dominion is a blip on the Japanese Tankery radar, and it would take a hell of a lot to get some of the greats to enroll. Shimada is already at university, and Nishizumi is the other word for Kuromorimine Girl's Academy. No chance we get them. As for instructors, we have a similar issue. I was looking at – "

The vice president chimed in angrily. "Ooarai stole Ami Chono from us and got one of the Nishizumi girls too! They're thieves, and probably kidnappers!"

Ayame sighed.

"Vice President, I've told you. Instructors need money, and they actually offered to pay her, unlike you. Or will you blame that on your Secretary of Finance? Additionally, Miho Nishizumi was not kidnapped. She transferred due to last year's tournament incident where she literally almost died along with another crew and went to the school with the understanding that it had no Tankery team. I talked to her personally, and she said she wanted nothing to do with the sport for the time being, so she wouldn't even come here with our pitiful yet existent team. Someone at Ooarai must've talked her into it or threatened her or something, because she's now riding a Pz IV."

The president seemed to get the idea, and ended the conversation. "I won't understand the Vice President's focus on Ooarai, but I do understand you, Ayame. I'll make it happen." With that, she left the room. It was a quick end, but it was anything to get away from that crazy VP of hers.

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