Ch. 11 "Sparks"

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                                                  Jax POV 

I jumped into the facility using the roof, and crawling through the air vent, sure it's not really my style but I have to do this, I thought 

I had to keep my fighting to a minimum, due to my wrist, so this was my option 'B' 

I jumped out of the air vent into the hallway, I don't see no HYDRA goons, 

I keep walking until I finally see one of them all by himself, 

I make a quick motion restraining him against the wall with my blade to his throat, 

"Where do you keep your records?" I asked darkly, 

"D-Down the hall to the left you can't miss it," He said 

Must be a new guy, bad day to be employed by HYDRA, I thought 

In one quick motion I cut his throat, and he falls to the ground, 

I make my way to the Records room, closing the door and locking it, 

I scrabble through all the data, all the folders, until I find something, labeled

 'Child Assassin' 

I opened it, it had a picture of me when I was little, it must have been when they first took me, I was holding a stuffed bear, 

I looked terrified, 

Then I read something that shook me to my core, 

The report explained how they got me, 

"We offered the parents $50 million and they excepted, due to their financial troubles it was easy to obtain the child," 

I stood there in shock, 

They sold me, they sold me because they offered them so much money? I thought 

I stuffed the folder under my shirt, 

I hear banging on the door, I close my eyes trying to regain some sort of composure, I thought 

Suddenly the door collapses, 

"Hands up! and Turn around!" I heard 

My eyes shot open, I was beyond pissed, 

"I'm not going to ask again!" He said 

"Funny you say that," I said turning around looking at them darkly 

Their eyes looked at me in shock, 

"Shadow!" One man said 

"In the flesh," I said 

And that quickly I charged them, killing each and everyone of them, after I killed each of the HYDRA agents, 

I did something drastic, I dumped gasoline in every corner of the place, I wanted this place to burn, along with the people in it, 

I lite the lighter and drop it to the ground watching the flames follow the trails of gasoline, 

I slowly walked out of the building, 

"This...This changes things," I mumbled 

I was jumping roof to roof, on my way back to Wade's place when out of no where I get stuck in a web to the side of a building by my wrists, 

Spider man drops down from a web, 

I smirked at him through my mask, 

"Sorry but I can't let you keep hurting people," He said 

"Kinky," I said 

He stood there shocked, 

While he was standing there, I used the knife from my wrist and it fell into my hand and cut the web, and did the same to the other wrist, 

"Look Bug boy, I appreciate you approaching me but I've got things to do," I said about to walk away, 

He stood in front of me blocking me, 

"I can't let you leave Nat and Clint will be here any minute," He said 

I sighed, 

"Are you sure you really want to do this?" I said 

"Yes," He said 

I sighed slowly approaching him, 

I grabbed a fist full of his suit from his chest and pulled my mask down and that quick I smacked my lips against his, 

Sure his mask was separating our lips, but it was the only distraction I could think of, he tensed probably not expecting it, 

I pushed him on his ass, 

"Now leave me alone," I said 

I jumped off the roof, 

                                     Peter POV 

Once I felt her lips meet mine, even though my mask was separating us, I felt her lips and they were soft, 

Her fist bunching up my suit on my chest while the other one was on my cheek,

The electricity coursing through my body as our lips met, 

And just like that she pushed me on my ass, 

"Now leave me alone," She said and jumped off the roof, 

I stood there in shock, 

"Where is she?" I hear Nat, 

"Uh, who?" I said 

Her and Clint looked at each other, 

"Jax, you said you had her," Clint said 

"Uh, she, uh got away," I said 

They looked at each other again, 

Sure I've been kissed before but it never felt like that, I thought 

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