Chapter 8

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(the video up top is the official opening theme I made for this fanfic)


Jasmine woke up to the sound of stiffled laughter and the sound of a camera. She slowly opened her deep blue eyes only to see her male team mates taking photos of her and her girlfriend sleeping together. She glared at them "what are you idiots doing." She asked sternly. TJ chuckled "just taking photos so we can show your kids in the future~" he teased wiggling his brows. Jasmine's cheeks went bright pink. "You both have five seconds to lower the scroll before I break it and then your faces." Jasmine threatened with a glare. Both boys lost their smirks and lowered their scrolls looking away with nervous chuckles. "Good." Jasmine simply said sitting up. Mei groaned "jazzy...?" Mei groaned as her sliver eyes opened slightly. Jasmine's cold expression that she used on the boys turned into a warm expression. "Morning Mei-Mei," Jasmine said warmly. Mei rolled out of bed and rubbed her eyes immediately becoming more energetic. "Alright team let's get ready for class!" Mei said in a energetic tone. They all got dressed in their uniforms and grabbed their things.
Before they left glynda's voice came over the announcements. "Will team MJTA report to headmaster pines office," glynda's voice sounded even more serious than usual. The four teens looked at each other with confusion on all their faces. "Well let's not keep uncle oscar waiting," Mei said her confused face going back to enthusiasm.

They made it to oscars office. Oscar looked dead serious contrary to his usual calm and easy going nature. "Hiya uncle oscar is everything ok?" Mei asked standing Infront of her team. Oscar looked at glynda and she pulled up her scroll and projected what looked like security footage. "Last night someone snuck into my office and stole some important documents..." Oscar explained as a person became visible in the footage. The person was wearing a hood and completely black cloths so it was impossible to know who it was. The person on the footage grabbed a file and handed it to another figure that stepped into view. The only thing really visible on the second figure was that they were tall and had...

A grimm arm.

Mei's eyes widened. "It can't be...can it...?" Mei spoke in disbelief and looked at Oscar. Oscar sighed "I'm afraid it might be true...she is back." He said in a serious tone. Mei gulped "do my mom's know yet?" Mei asked the freckled man. He nodded "they're on their way," he informed. Jasmine spoke up "who is she...?" Jasmine asked. "Cinder old enemy and she worked with Salem years back when all your parents were younger," Oscar explained sipping his coffee. Jasmine looked down lost in her own thoughts. "Who do you think is working for her?" TJ asked stepping foward. Oscar looked at him seemingly thinking of what to say. "I am not sure but...I have a feeling their is a traitor among us...and when we find out who... we'll find cinder and bring her to justice." Oscar said standing from his seat. Mei smiled "don't worry uncle oscar we'll do whatever we can to catch this scumbag!" Mei cheered confidently.
Oscar smiled slightly "I know you all will anyway you may go to class now," he said sitting back down. Mei nodded and they all left leaving Oscar to himself. "She's so much like her," glynda spoke writing on her clipboard. Oscar sipped his coffee "indeed, from the eyes to the character she's just like Ruby," Oscar spoke a smile growing on his lips. Glynda smiled slightly. Whitly walked in "Oscar? You talked to them already?" Whitly asked. Oscar smiled "yeah hun I did," Oscar replied as he leaned up peeking his husband's cheek. Whitly blushed and smiled. Glynda chuckled "I'll just go," she said taking the elevator down. Whitly looked back at his husband " you really think she's back...?" Whitly asked. Oscar sighed "I only know of one person with a grimm has to be her..." Oscar muttered as he ran his fingers through his hair. Whitly frowned and held Oscars hand comfortingly "don't worry we'll all figure this out together," whitly spoke in a reassuring tone. Oscar smiled "yeah I know," he replied with a smile.

(Time skip to one week later)

There were still no leads on who was the traitor. Mei had been having trouble getting sleep, TJ and Axel didn't act to bothered they were more worried about their cousin, and Jasmine...Jasmine didn't show any signs of caring. Mei read in the library about the history of Salem and even found a book about her parents adventures. Someone tapped her shoulder snapping Mei out of her reading zone. She looked up seeing a boy with a scorpion tail and golden eyes. "Can I help ya?" Mei asked raising a brow. The boy smiled "I was just wondering if I can borrow that book after ya?" He asked pointing at the book in her hands. Mei looked at the book "oh yeah sure! What's your name?" Mei asked. The brown haired boy smiled "I'm viren ajax," viren introduced. Mei smiled and handed him the book "I'm Mei Schnee," Mei introduced herself. Virens eyes widened "you're a schnee! Like daughter of Ruby Schnee and Weiss Schnee!?" He asked in shock.
Mei nodded used to the shock of her name and who her parent were. He smiled "well it's nice to meet you and thanks for the book hope to see you around bye!" Virens yelled and ran out the library.
Mei stood up and walked down the hall. She once again saw viren talking to that rain guy and another lavender haired girl. Mei smiled and ran up to them. "Hiya guys!" Mei greeted with a wave. All three smiled "what's up Mei," rain greeted with a smile. "Hey Mei," viren greeted still holding the book. "Oh this is my friend Bridget Roxana," viren said gesturing to the lavender haired girl. Bridget smiled "hi nice to meet you Mei," Bridget said pleasantly shaking the silver eyed girls hand. Mei smiled widely and shook her hand back "pleasures all mine!" Mei replied tilting her head a little. The three other teens Infront of her smiled. Mei's scroll buzzed catching her attention. She looked at her scroll seeing a text from Jasmine. Mei grinned "sorry guys I gotta go it was nice meeting you bye!" Mei called as she ran down the hall.

Jasmine stood outside waiting for her silver eyed girlfriend. "Jaaaazzzzyyyy!" Mei called as she ran down the steps of the front of the school. Jasmine smiled a little "hey Me-" Jasmine couldn't finish her sentence before Mei hugged her almost knocking her over. Jasmine blinked in surprise but then smiled and hugged the shorter girl back. "I missed you Jasmine! So what did you want to do?" Mei asked with a smile. Jasmine smiled back and suddenly kissed the young schnee. Mei was surprised but kissed back nonetheless. Jasmine pulled away first purring happily. Mei grinned "we're getting better at that," Mei chirped happily. "So as I was saying what did you wanna do?" Mei asked with excitement in her voice.
Jasmine thought for a moment "let's go get something to eat?" Jasmine suggested the mere mention of food exciting the young schnee.

The two went out to eat. They talked and joked around for hours with some flirting mixed into each conversation. Later when they returned to their dorm Mei collapsed into her instantly falling asleep. Before Jasmine could get in her her scroll rang. She looked at the collar Id and her expression darkened. She crawled out the window making sure not to be followed or heard. She inhaled and picked up the scroll.



(What a twist >:D)

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