chapter 12

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" can you be any more cuter " she said with a disgusted look " i dont know which girls like all jacked up playboys , about leaving you , i thought i would giveup someday if you wanted to go away but forget bout that i would drag you by your collar and make you sit in front of me on your knees if you wannna runaway someday" she smirked

His cheecks were even redder , " do you realise that you are under me , on my bed , in my room , in my house right now " she whispered in a chilly voice near his ears , he was stiff and it gave him goosebumps 
" w-what d-do you m-mean?" he choked on his own saliva 

She giggled at his cuteness. " What are you thinking?She laughed , so since I am doing all the consoling part , and you are doing the sulky part , let me ask you this : will you be my boyfriend? And ya, one condition , negative answers not accepted, " she added

"Heyy, that's unfair," he said
She pinned his arm on the bed. " Why were you gonna answer no? " she death glared him
" no ...i mean , yes , i -i will be your b- boy-" " fuck you then" she smirked , saying she attacked his neck without a warning,  she sucked on his sweetspot and made him moan  , when she was done her eyes looked satisfied ..
" c-can i- " he stammered, looking all shy
"You wanna give me one??" She asked
" You will ask every time you wanna do something to me ?? Sly?!" She looked confused."I want to - " he said the last part all broken and slow
"Then do it " saying which she was gonna get up and stand when he held her hands and laid her down and hesitantly kissed her and then kissed her neck and then sucked on it , she moaned " hey does it hurt?" He spoke
"Can you fuckin stop being this polite ??!" She  said annoyingly

The next day at school

In the class, every time Nayeon looked, she showed her whom he belonged to , and he dared not to look at her even for once

After school , the six met and went for lunch together .
"Kook, are you alright?" Asked Jim why are you acting strange
"  No, I am fine." he smiled awkwardly ...
" Hey shut up, okay, stop being like this... so guys, the thing is that we are kinda , u know, going out , as in dating," Yn said, eating her food.

Kook choked on his food, and everyone could not swallow their's
"What??!!" The four said together
" What what we are seeing each other?" yn said coolly

Kook was sweating ,his cheecks were hot iron red .... he was speechless ....

They were teased for the next to weeks days, and well ....

One day Jimim , Jennie and Yn had a party at one friends house , yn drank almost half of the rotal populations wine and atleast she got drunk , Jimin was also a bit drunk so basically Jennie had to take care of both , thats when Kook called
" hello" he said " hi its Jennie can you please come and pick Yn , shes out of control  and Jimin cant miss tommorrow,  its a important day i gotta drop him, will it be okayy " Jennie spoke

" Hey my lil, MAn, ArE yOu gUud, I LoVE yOu soooooooOOOO much " Yn spoke from beside "Hey, are you okay?? I am coming to hang on . Why would you drink so much?" He said, being concerned,  "wwwwaaaUuuu , YOu are?? I was thinking bouUt yOu   i WannA ToucH yOu sO BaD , i miss you CuTe , soft CheStz wauuuuu" "heyyy??!!!"  " kay i am cutting the call. Come fast, okay?" Jennie cut the call ,

After he arrived

"Thanks, Jungkook , like ... you don't know how much that helped."
"No, it's okay," he smiled

When Yn fell on him and, being drunk, annoyed him

He smiled at her cuteness . she annoyed him even more, and when she lost balance , he held her " hey hold on ,climb on my back," saying that he took her on his back ,

" How long do you plan on spoilling me like this , Mr Yn's Guy?" she said, resting her head on his shoulder
He chuckled. "As long as you want,  master," he replied , " don't forget that," saying that she drifted off to sleep ....


They were well together , cute, and bold mixture  . They studied together ,, he helped her with her project and everything , their exams went well , and even the finals were over ,all of them scored preety good , kook was the topper of the batch in their department  , Yn scored pretty well , she was so happy , they all celebrated together ...


The day when a few department students went to a friends party , Yn went there Nayeon was invited to , but the scheme she plotted was unknown to her. They were spending time,  almost all the girls of the same department were present , they played games , and now they were playing truth and dare , Yn got truth " hey you dating that nerd arent you ?" Yn was caught of guards , one of Nayeon's friends asked ,
" Excuse me," Yn spoke
" ya i heard, but for how much time , cuz you are gonna date Edmund right , he was set by your family, he is compatible with you, that nerd doesnot fit does he , and eventually you will breakup with him " Yn was just listening " by the way i heard that you and Nayeon were for the same guy so isnt he a bet technically where you won" other girl said ,  everyone laughed " i know it was a bet i heard too, you did that with the other guy too right , what was his name Bambam right ? Damn girl , you a player, and also he was real rich , and this Jungkook     gosh he's so geeky" said another

"Yes he was a bet, yes i dont like him , fine ,  i am a playgirl fine , i just wanted to change the taste i was so bored with hot guys , nerds i wanted to try and i am kind enough you know i dont need a rich ass person you see " she spoke and laughed
after a minute she stood up and went to Nayeon " babe you wanted to hear this , happy i said that , you alright , you think i didnot know what you and your so called friends actually called me here for , you wanted to hear this , now everyone listen very carefully , you thought i would be ashamed for loving him, guys you all may have a 100x hotter bfs or richer but none has mine...he is the best and yall dont deserve him.... I don't need to show off the person I love ... And you all think I care if my guy is cuter than yours ....actually, he is way more beautiful a person that ur jacked up hookers, " she left."I gotta go right now. "

She had to go to London the next day to meet her dad for some business purposes

" Yeah, sure." Nayeon smirked  , she did what she had to

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