chapter 20

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fun ! Huh" he said sarcastically
"Life must really be fuckin fun for you isnt it" he stopped his tears , atleast he tried his best ....

fun ! Huh" he said sarcastically "Life must really be fuckin fun for you isnt it" he stopped his tears , atleast he tried his best

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Seeing his tone she pulled his neck to do more but he added

" you know what i must have commited something huge a sin  to have met you  cuz believe me i know theres no way out but believe me i would do any freakin thing to stay away from you for even a whole fuckin day , if anyone grants me a wish now i would always want this , you are a -" he looked into her eyes and spoke everything really at one go and with his anger for her . But it was not for the fact she was using his body but because of the fact she has fun with others too maybe , he never wanted to share her ...for him she always belonged to him .

His eyes were red and furious and so was hers . Tears rolled dowm  her eyes and pushed him back on his bed and stormed out of his room . She just took her carkeys and left the house . He felt his heart crushing , silent tears rolled down his cheecks and it was not long enough he regretted every word he said to her and her tears made him weak. He was now scared . He called but it was switched off . He was crying too.
The next morning
He tried to get up from his bed but he just fell on his bed again . He got a head swing and was feeling weak. She came down after a while being a bit shocked where he was but thought he left . She had her breakfast and was about to leave when she heard coughing sounds. She entered his room . And saw him laying down on his bed.she slowly entered with cold stare . She went nearer and placed her palms on his cheecks .

"What the heck. You are burning!" Her anger just disappeared. She was tensed .
She called her office and said that she was caught in an emergency and couldn't come and to cancel the meeting.

" you have the partner's meeting today just go. Why are you cancelling" he spoke with his feeble voice with his pale face .

She ignored him and sat him up placed a pillow on his back.
" you have high temperature and i called the doctor . He will arrive soon. " saying this she went away.

He wanted to tell sorry but he just couldn't. The doctor came.
" He needs rest. He overworked himself and due to excess musclular fatigue  he is dizzy.  This is minor but should be avoided in the future." He checked him . " give these medicines . Call if his temperature doesn't fall to normal within the next two days."

The doctor left . She brought his medicines. Fed him . Washed his body with cold towel . Applied ice pack on his head. Waited until he fell asleep . There was no way she could see him suffering. She felt helpless when he suffers and she knew she was the reason behind this.

He almost fell asleep . When she was going to get up . He slightly held her wrists . He wanted to say something but he was too sleepy . She just sat there beside him the whole night . She had to take her own pills but she didnot want to make him leave her hands. She just stared at him and remembered every thing he said .She thought of his upcoming birthday a few days later and there was only one gift she could think about. .  After staring at him for really long she fell asleep .

The next morning

He was much better and he woke up and saw her sleeping ,keeping her head and hands on the floor while sitting on the ground. He felt guilty of every thing he said . He touched her face and she woke up suddenly thinking if he was alright.
"You okay?!" She asked suprised.
"Um...yah" he replied as she asked that suddenly.

She got up and left the room after being sure his temperature was back to normal.
In the office

She didnot talk much. She was sleepy as she was awake till midnight. She still worked her part. She was just tired.

He saw her and came to her cabin.
" Do you want a cup of coffee" he asked
" no  . You dont have to think bout that " she replied coldly and bowed her head down.
When another staff entered and gave her a cup of coffee .
"Yeah thanks ." she smilled at her.

Kook stood there seeing her . She looked at him .
"You need something?" She asked
"You dont drink black coffee" he answered .
" so? You think you know everything....just leave" she said blankly again started doing her work .

He just looked at her . He felt like noone. He was just , he didn't know what to do. Why he was feeling like that?

They both were home . She took her pills. She was cleaning up her room and came downstairs for dinner. This was the first time she was being like that . They were having dinner.

He was trying to say " uh..thank you ."
" hm" she replied ...
" listen....about that- " he was cut off.
" i have finished . Keep your plates there . The maid will do it tommorow "
Saying that she went upstairs.

"Tommorow is my birthday" he whispered underneath his breath.
"Why will you remember anyways" he smiled a bit and went to his room .
He just turned several times on his bed.
Maybe he was missing something. Maybe he didn't want to sleep alone. Maybe he wanted to be with his someone. He missed her.

It was 12....she came in and kissed his forehead and whispered ....'have a great day' .....a tear rolled down....he was half awake but still thought he was imagining

The next day .

He woke up and brushed his teeth , dressed up . When she opened his door a bell rang and papers and popers fell on him. With a letter . He opened it. It said 'happy birthday ' and a few more instructions. He followed every instruction and every place he went he recieved very small small gifts. Everything was what ge maybe once said he wanted . Every little wish that ever came out of his mouth. He was happy . Not for the gifts , but of the fact that she didnot forget and paid attention to every little thing he ever said. The exact things.

He arrived at the breakfast table and called out her name. Noone replied. He called her several times . Waiting made his smile fade. He thought maybe due to the decorations she was tired . He went to her room . But ....noone was there ...


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