chapter 23

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Yn was fighting with her thoughts , a part of her wanted to do all the bad things to him for being with another woman but her conscience thought of everything she already did to him in the past and said her to stop , she walked away ignoring them totally...

Jungkook noticed him but before he could push Tessa away ,Yn walked past them . He felt frustrated with this version of her , basically he didnot know what exactly he wanted .

Yn was out all day , she had several clients to meet so she was not in office .
Alan went back home , once he got a call from Yn knowing that she could be late as her friend suddenly called up and they were meeting in a bar nearby ...Kook sulked interally as he was clearly upset with the fact how she was ignoring him but was to stubborn to admit the whole fact.

Time passed ,it was quite late and Kook couldn't reach Yn , now he was starting to get worried about her , he took his jacket and went to the bar tracking her location.
In the bar

Yn's friend was sitting and flirting with a guy and Yn was sitting ,watching them and laughing without realising that another person noticed her , after a while ,a bartender gave her a drink,
"Oh i didn-" she was cut off
"Maam its from that sir on that table." He replied.

"Oh" she took it , she was only a little drunk , but since her emotions were all mixed up today ,she drank the cocktail which she usually doesn't if from strangers.... she was lost in the thoughts of what she should do about Kook, is she really capable to let her go or not and several thoughts occupied her mind , she went to the washroom for a second , while returning , a guy approached her.

"Hey beautiful, you look amazing!" He smirked
"Thanks but do i know you?" She asked
"Not really but the drink ,remember " he answered
"Oh yah , thanks for that, may i get you a drink?" She asked out of politeness ...

"No but you could " he scanned her figure and smirked .
"Excuse me" she stared with her signature disgusted face
He held her wrists when she was about to punch him really hard but she fell weak , and her vision blurred .
The guy smirked.

"Afterall we have met before Miss , remember ,the bar where you fought my sister and her friends , you looked quiet fiesty , today was a total co incidence but God's way ..." he smiled slyly...

"What did you mix in that drink " she asked being caught off guards ...

"Nothing just a lil magic ,what was the name again?"

"You  sh-" she was cut as he smashed his lips on her

"Surely you will like what id do to you  , aint your vision and voice both drousy right now" he smiled evily.

Kook reached the bar and went inside , he met her friend whom he saw making out with a guy, he still interrupted and asked about Yn. She answered she went towards the washroom and hasnt returned yet ...

He rushed there when he saw YN ....
His heart stopped ,he saw her kissing another guy ,his hands wrapped on her waist.

He slowly went nearer ....
Yn pushed the guy away when she could gather some strenght and saw him....
"What are you-" she was gonna ask but she got cut.

"How could you always
" he paused "you are never gonna change  , you will always remain that same selfish ,useless person forever right" he smilled bitterly

"Hey , what are you saying" she said weakly....

"Another guy for another night , right???" He spoke with his sarcastic look on...

"Hey listen it is not what it seems like" her vision blurred even more and she was feeling more and more vulnerable, she was looking helpless ....but he was too angry to understand and she was not in a position to make him understand....

"Ya sure " he walked away slowly

"Hey ,please dont go wait " she said looking for help ....she knew what that guy would do to her if somehow she lost consciousness....

Kook looked back once and whispered underneath his breath "what a slut!"

"Aww , boyfriend called you a slut , lets proove him right baby" the guy spoke

She heard it , even in that condition she thought of him , what he may have thought and felt ....and slowly she felt weaker in that guy's arms and she knew he carried her somewhere..

Jungkook went outside with tears roling down his cheecks ....
"Obviously  what made  me think she was angry cuz she saw Tess with me why would she care , why am even thinking of her , damn me for even coming here in midnight searching for her " he waited for a cab but suddenly something striked his mind , 'why did she look like that' , ' why was she trembling' he felt something was off , when he suddenly hurried back inside , he went to the stairs where he saw them, they werent there , he asked the other standing there when one said they went somewhere upstairs , he rushed their too, he checked some of the rooms , half were empty and some had people and couples , but he couldn't find her , he was nervous and found one room was locked .

He knocked and the guy opened ,
"What is it?" The one from before spoke .
"Where is the girl" Jungkook spoke
"Doing her stuffs , get lost man" he was goimg to shut the door but Jungkook pushed him and entered, he saw Yn laid on the bed ....and her dressed was a bit not in place ....

"Let her go , i said " Jungkook spoke with anger in his eyes ...

"Shes a slut , doing her work serves right , wanna join or-" before he could say anything else Jungkook punched his face with all he had , he fell stainght on the floor

"I can kill you right now" he said fiercely and went and started beating the hell out of him , her training paid off atlast , because he was always scared to hit someone;  he hit him till he couldn't move anymore .
He begged him to stop atlast he did stop ,
"Dont ever show your face in front of us , and dare you disrespect my girl  , dare you lay a finger " Kook completed and carried Yn .....

YN was not totally passed out ,she heard what he said , she blushed ,though she believed he said all those just for the situation , she still loved how he protected her ....cuz she had been doing that since the beginning , this was the possible first time ....

They went home .. .

Yn laid in her bed ,slowly gaining her consciousness, she felt a bit uneasy , she surely wanted to touch herself , she was feeling turned on when a half naked Kookie came out from her room's bathroom with only a towel on.

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