Chapter Ten

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We pulled up outside Remi's brother's house and I balked. Holy shit.

Remi had collected me from the station, and then sprung this surprise on me. We drove straight to his brother’s, and I hadn't even gotten my head around being here before I was faced with the huge Tudor-style house with a sea view all along the gardens.

This was way out of my league. Beyond anything I could ever dream of. So the whole family is loaded then? I thought to myself as the gravel crunched under my feet. I felt so nervous, no longer in my comfort zone. What if they hated me? I didn't know anything about them. I barely knew anything about Remi for that matter. I stood and stared up at the huge house at the end of the driveway and wondered whether I'd ever be lucky enough to have something like this one day. Unlikely.

It was such a mix of emotions that I couldn't tell if I was excited or terrified. When Remi had invited me down for the weekend, all I had thought about was seeing him and maybe about something more happening between us. I'd spent the previous night hugging the pillow on my sofa bed, imagining I was wrapped around his body. God, I had it bad.

It was true that I'd lost all sight of what was practical, and instead, I'd run away with myself. I was acting like a lust-filled teenager, unable to think of anything but Remi. It was as if I couldn't stop myself. Age, money, work, everything that separated us was irrelevant in the glow that I felt in his presence. It felt as though there were zero boundaries between us. All I wanted was Remi and for him to feel the same way about me.

He came around to my side of the car, looking relaxed and tanned in his white pants and a dark blue t-shirt. He looked more incredible than he had in his quirky suits earlier that week.

"Don't be nervous. My family is great," he said, walking towards me, hands in his pockets, and a huge smile on his face.

"I'm not nervous. I'm petrified. They're probably wondering who this stranger is and why he is in their house."

Remi moved closer, leaning into me, his face inches from mine. "It'll be fine, Matthew."

His voice comforted me, and I felt better almost immediately. Maybe it was his quiet strength or maybe it was the scent of his skin. Either way, something made me trust him instinctively. And crave him. Fuck, I wanted to tackle him to the ground right there and devour him.

There was a loud rumbling noise across the gravel drive, and I felt a thud against the back of my calf. Looking down, I laughed as I saw a small, bright red Ferrari rammed against my leg and a very cute driver beaming up at us.

"Wow, how much pocket money do the kids get around here? And any chance I can be adopted?"

I looked up as a deep laugh came from the doorway where a man, who looked vaguely like Remi, only younger, was leaning against the doorframe. "Aileen, reverse and stop trying to run over Uncle Remi's friend."

The cute maniac driver backed up her car and grinned at me before speeding towards the house, pedalling for all her might. My heart gave a little at the cuteness. I loved kids.

"Come on in," Remi’s brother called down to us, and then he disappeared.

"That's Christopher," Remi said, and then he looked at me, studying my expression. "What?"

"Nothing," I said, unable to hide my goofy grin. "It's just a little strange being here with your family when I've only just met you."

"Do you feel uncomfortable? We can leave if you want."

"No, not strange, I mean nice. It's nice and I want to stay. I hope they like me..." I trailed off, embarrassed at my nerves.

Remi leaned closer, and for a moment, I was sure he was going to kiss me. His breath ghosted across my cheek, and I shivered as his hot mouth pressed against my ear. He whispered, "Of course they'll like you. They have to, because I like you."

He pulled back slowly, his lips close to mine, and then he stepped back and set off towards the house, leaving me stumbling after him with jelly legs that barely worked.

The inside of the house was even nicer than the outside. It was beautifully decorated in a seaside aesthetic, with cool greens and blues and chalk-white furniture. Despite its grandeur, it wasn't staged or clinical. It was comfy and inviting. It looked lived in, like a real family home.

I followed Remi and his brother into the sunny kitchen and took a seat at the kitchen island as they set about making tea. I heard a squeal, and then a pretty woman with red curls came bouncing into the room with a toddler on her hip. I was about to say hello when she threw her one free arm around me and hugged me tight.

"I'm Siobhan. I'm so glad you came. Oh, I'm so excited to meet you!" she exclaimed before whispering to me. "Remi has been a nervous wreck. He hasn't brought anyone to meet us since Geoffrey. That's how I know you're special!” She winked as she grabbed my arm and led me to the large round breakfast table. "Sit."

Then she handed me the gorgeous, pudgy toddler and busied herself in the kitchen making a bowl of tiny pasta shapes while Remi made the tea.

If this was what his family was like, then I never wanted to leave.

* * *

After a friendly but thorough interrogation by Siobhan, Remi and I went for a walk through the gardens. We didn't get a moment alone though, as our little shadows, Aileen and Elva, followed after us the entire time. They were so adorable. Elva had even offered me half of her chewed and saliva-covered pasta at dinner, which I was assured was a real honour. I'd been made to feel so welcome and at home by all of them. It had been a very long time since I'd felt that way. Too long.

Later, we'd sat for a while, chatting and drinking margaritas, while Christopher made dinner. I learned that he was a chef and ran his own restaurant. When he served dinner, I also found out he had a Michelin star. Holy shit was it good. I'd had nice meals, but I'd never experienced anything like the meal I had that evening. It was on a whole other level, and I could see why he was successful.

After dinner, Remi offered to put the kids to bed with Christopher, leaving me and Siobhan to tidy up. She was so friendly and funny, and I was completely in love with her after five minutes. I loved her even more when she had told me all the funny stories she knew about Remi over dinner.

We'd been giggling away in the kitchen when I saw her look at me with an expression I couldn't figure out. It unnerved me a little, and I knew there was something she wanted to say or ask.

"Thank you for coming this weekend. I'm so happy for Remington. Honestly, Christopher and I couldn't be happier to see him with someone. I mean, I know he says you’re friends, but I can tell. The way you both look at each other... Yeah, it's obvious."

The words were out, and I stared at her, wide-eyed, as she slapped her hand over her own mouth.

"Wait, you are dating, right? It's just a secret?"

I shook my head, and she shoved her face in her hands.

"Oh no. Don't tell him I said that. I honestly thought you two were really together, and he was just pretending you were friends. It's just that since Geoffrey...” She put both of her hands on her chest and exhaled.

"It's okay. I won't say anything. But, can I ask you something? Who's Geoffrey?"

Her expression froze, the sadness evident in her eyes. "I think I should let Remington tell you about him. It was so awful. He's been sort of broken since Geoffrey...”

I was confused, and my face must have shown that, because she looked panicked, realizing she'd said too much.

“I can't stop putting my foot in my mouth, can I?”

I was about to ask what had happened with this Geoffrey guy, but the kitchen door swung open and Remi arrived with two glasses of brandy. The kids were asleep and apparently it was game time.

We played for hours, laughing and drinking, until none of us could make it through a round without laughing or falling over.

"I'm calling a taxi," Remi announced. Ten minutes later, he was ushering me into a car, and Christopher and Siobhan were waving us off into the darkness.

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