Chapter Twenty-six

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I swear, I was beginning to think the universe had it in for me. If it wasn’t embarrassing enough to be caught mid-twerk, I then had to be helped to strip and shower. Was it too much to have hoped that was enough mortification for one day? Apparently so.

After my shower, Remi helped me get changed into shorts and a t-shirt, and suddenly I was exhausted. Two painkillers later and I awoke after four hours of glorious sleep. I climbed out of bed, grabbed my crutches, and hobbled to the kitchen where the scent of sweet peppers was making my stomach grumble loudly.

The kitchen was bathed in sunlight, and I smiled at how happy this cottage always seemed. Did Remi even know how lucky he was to live here? This was my dream home, like a chocolate box cottage: picturesque and perfectly romantic. All that was missing were some homey touches that made the place feel less perfect and more real.

The hall door was wide open, and I heard voices outside. The breeze wafted through the house, carrying the scent of summer flowers and comfort. I never wanted to leave this place. Ever. I frowned, knowing I was on a ticking clock. Once I was better, I’d have no reason to stay. Unless Remi wanted me too. And I wasn’t sure anymore whether he did or not. Things had changed and we were... well, we weren’t where we had been.

I was halfway down the hall when two men appeared, hauling a huge piece of furniture through the cottage main door. It was only when they set it down that I recognized it as the large Victorian writing desk Remi had bought that day at the auction house. The one he had asked me to bid on.

He bounded down the stairs and grinned. “Thanks, Michael, Keith. Have you delivered that bureau to Mr. Wallis yet?”

“Yeah, we dropped it over yesterday evening. He said he was going to call you about something else.”

Remi nodded and then handed them a fifty euro note. “Get yourselves some lunch. Thanks, guys.”

“Cheers. Will do.”

The two men nodded at me and then closed the door on their way out, leaving me, Remi, and the beautiful writing desk alone in the hall.

“It looks amazing in here. Where are you going to put it?” I hobbled closer, inspecting the rich mahogany that glowed.

Remi turned around and nodded towards the space under the stairs. “I think it would be perfect there. I’ll straighten it up, and you tell me if it looks good.”

I hobbled back a few paces and leaned against the wall, watching as he expertly manoeuvred the desk into position.

“Well? What do you think?”

“I love it. Leave it there.” I smiled at him and noticed how happy and relaxed he looked, dressed in casual chinos and a light blue shirt. He was ridiculously handsome, and my heart skipped a beat. The shower had been a surprise -- the way he’d looked at me, the want in his eyes evident. I really liked him, loved him even, but I knew he was holding back.

Things had changed since the accident and I’d just have to resign myself to the fact that our sexy weekend had been a one-time thing. I was here now as a guest, recuperating, and then Remi would be expecting me to leave.

“Tea?” He interrupted my thoughts, and I nodded.


We sat in the sunny window seat, drinking tea and chatting about the writing desk and other things he’d bought from all over the world. It was clear we were filling the silence, not really sure how to talk to each other, since we were technically still strangers.

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