Chapter Thirty-one

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***Warning! Sexy times ahead***


In the morning, Remi brought me breakfast in bed and a surprise in a small carboard box. Waking up in his sheets, the warm sun casting a smile across the room, was almost too much happiness to bear. This was what I wanted, to be with Remi and to feel so secure and safe. He gave me something I’d been longing for, and I wanted to do the same for him.

He sat on the edge of the bed and rested his hand on my thigh. “Did you want orange juice? I wasn’t sure, so I didn’t bring you any. But I can run downstairs and get some now.”

“No thanks. Tea and toast are enough. Can I open it now?” I asked, nodding toward the box on the floor.

“Nope, eat your breakfast first. Then you can open it.”

I rolled my eyes, pretending to be annoyed, but I stuffed the toast in quickly as I racked my brain as to what it might be. It most likely was something painting related. A small picture maybe? Or new paints?”

“Take your time,” Remi scolded, and he sipped his coffee and smirked.

I was starving and was midway through chewing when I could have sworn I saw the box move.

“Remi?” I pointed at the box and flailed as it moved again. It was no bigger than the size of a small shoebox, but it was definitely moving. “What the hell is in that?”

Remi chuckled and took another slow drink of his coffee. “Eat up.”

I half-choked on the remainder of my toast as I shovelled it in and slurped my tea back so fast, I was afraid I’d drown myself.

“Okay. Tell me what it is first, because I’m not a fan of bugs or insects.”

Remi grinned and lifted the box onto the bed beside me. “It’s not an insect. But it is something you are afraid of. That I know for sure.”


I watched as he lifted the lid and revealed a tiny pale yellow chick.

“No way! Where did you get that?” I peered inside and giggled as the tiny version of my greatest nemesis cheeped. “It’s fucking adorable.”

“Really? You like it? Because you’ve been shouting at and running away from its mother since you got here,” Remi teased.

“Well, in my defense, this looks a hell of a lot cuter than the adult version.”

“It’s a good thing you didn’t manage to get the eggs from the nest that morning.” Remi reached into the box and lifted out the little chick, plonking it down right into my hand.

“It feels so delicate and fragile. Aw, it’s okay, little chick. Don’t be scared.”

“It’s your job to name it, Matthew. And do a good job. Something memorable.” Remi stood up and started to peel off his clothes.

“Whoa, what’s happening, and also, don’t let me stop you.”

He chuckled and tossed his clothes into the hamper. “I’m jumping in the shower, and then I think we should get out for the morning, go down to the village and maybe take a walk.”

“Wait, a walk?” I said, still holding the chirping baby in my palm.

“I’ll walk, you can hobble.”

“Okay. But what am I supposed to do with this?” I called after him.

The sound of the shower filtered into the bedroom followed by Remi’s deep voice. “Take care of it, give it a name, and try not to kill it!”

I listened to the sound of the shower and then gently placed the little chick into its box. “You stay there. I have to go jump into the shower.”

The bathroom was steamy, and I could see Remi’s body behind the fogged-up glass doors.

"Any room in there for me?” I asked as I slipped my boxers off and pulled the glass door open. He was covered in suds and surprised to see me.

"I’m sure I could fit you in," he said, moving aside so I could carefully step in. My knee was a lot better and I could stand up unaided in the shower, but I was still nervous of slipping.

“Could you soap me up, please?” I smirked and spread my legs, placing my two hands against the tiled walls.

“Jesus, that’s some sight,” Remi mumbled, and he set about pouring the shower gel into his hand and then lathering my body in firm circles. His hands danced and dived around my chest, down to my stomach, gliding over my cock and along my thighs. He moved closer, his strong body bracketing mine from behind as his soapy hands gripped my cock and stroked me.

“Ugh, that’s so good.”

“Mmm, I’d like to taste you. You’re so gorgeous, Matthew.”

I swallowed hard and nudged my soapy ass against his erection which was now pressed against me as he rocked his hips forward.

“I’d like that,” I murmured, looking over my shoulder at him and relishing the desire and want in his eyes.

My chest was still facing the cold tiles, and I braced myself as Remi sunk his teeth into my shoulder. He continued to trail kisses and nibbled down my spine until he was kneeling in the shower tray behind me.

Streams of suds snaked down my body under the hot spray and I felt like I could levitate with happiness.

I went to turn around and face him, but he gripped my hips with strong hands and held me in place, facing the wall. Waves of energy shot down my spine as I felt his soapy fingers slide between my cheeks, and graze over my hole.

I bucked in response, but Remi gripped me tighter and I let my head tip forward, resting my forehead between my hands against the cold tiles. I exhaled and relaxed as his fingers continued to skim over the sensitive nerves and then I saw stars as a hot tongue dove inside me.

“Oh fuck, Remi... Fuck...” I mumbled the words and moaned as he slid one hand over my cock and gripped it tight.  I rocked back against him, lost in the feeling of his tongue driving into me, torturing me with pleasure.

When Remi had said he wanted to taste me, I assumed he had meant a blowjob. Rimming was not where my mind usually went. In fact, I’d never experienced it before. Clearly, he was more practiced than me and right now he was driving me wild.

"That feels amazing," I said, pushing back a little as he continued to spear me with dazzling heat. The intensity built until I was teetering on the edge of bliss and I shouted out, "Fuck!" as I came, streams of cum shooting onto the tiles.

Remi climbed to his feet and turned me around, a huge satisfied grin on his face. “I’ve been wanting to do that to you for a long time. You’re even sexier than I’d imagined.”

I nodded, a strange mix of embarrassment and sheer relief.

“I’ve never... uh, done that before. It was mind-blowing.”

Remi’s lips parted in surprise and then he cupped my face in his hands. “That’s okay, sweetheart. I’ll show you anything you want. That’s one of the pros of being older.”

I grinned and pressed myself against him, the water spilling down around us.

All I could see were positives, even if Remi didn’t. Rimming was just one of them.

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