Im never gonna leave you

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Kelly's pov; it's been a couple since I brought up the idea of talking to Stella about getting married and now I've been thinking more and more about it to myself. Last night Stella and the rest of the fire house than that she passed her lieutenant test. I am So beyond proud of her it's now the next morning me and  Casey got up before her and made some  coffee about 10 minutes later she comes into the kitchen

MC=  Hey there's another Lieutenant living in our apartment
K= so there is morning Lieutenant Kidd
S= ohh ( kiss Kelly) I like the sound of that but I don't have a position and I know I know it could take a while so I'm just going to focus on the fact I passed and  be grateful
K= smart
S= yeah in speaking on that note I'm heading out to meet up with Suarez Because he passed two so we're gonna grab a little celebration coffee might even order a latte because I hear that's how officers do it
MC= cheers
K= i'll see you at the fire house
S= i'll see you ( she leaves )
K= i've been rethinking things
MC= how do you mean
K= this marriage idea maybe it's not the best move
MC= that's just a nurse talking
K= no I'm talking about something she said when we first got together she wanted to lay it all out there so she brought up her marriage and said I will never do it again because I don't ever want to be in a situation where I can't just leave.
MC=  that was a long time ago but I'm not gonna fight you I get where you're coming from

I get what Matt is saying but I don't want to make Stella feel trapped ever again. About a half an hour later we head into work and then about an hour into work we get a call once we were done saving the man we headed back to the fire house and I ended up heading to the Chiefs office

CB= ah there he is have a seat
K= what's up
CB= I wanted to talk to the two of you about Kidd's Future there are no spots at 51 not even on other shifts and so unfortunately she will have to go elsewhere I want us to do whatever we can to make sure she's placed at a good house
MC= of course how can we help
CB= you can do some research and find out where the next opening is likely to Be and then lobby for her at the best house available 
K= i'm happy to help if we search but I'll recuse  myself when it comes to the lobbying
MC= no problem as her commanding officer I'll be glad to cover that part
CB= Great and don't mention this to Kidd
Just yet I don't want to get her hopes up Who knows how this will play out
MC= got it
K= appreciate everything you've done for Stella cheif so does she
CB= yeah

Once we leave the Chiefs office I guess start with something later on in the shift me and Matt put our minds together and see where we have come up with in our research

MC= ( on the phone) got it thanks for your help Deb onorato says the only opening she heard of is at Morning side
K= Slow and it's full of doctors it's no place for a go-getter like Stella
MC= no
K= I left messages for guys I know at a bunch of these other houses can you see if you have any connections, ( hands over a piece of paper) So how did it go talking to Dawson
MC= a little weird since it's been a while we're going to talk again after the metal ceremony when there's more time to catch up have a feeling that conversation will tell me a lot 
K= ( phone rings) what's up rios..... yeah I know that's real good to know thank you I appreciate it... yeah will do ( hangs up) Rios. Says the engine lieutenant at 66 McKenna might be retiring this year

MC= 66
K= yeah
MC= Busy well run
K= and battalion chief over there Cadell seems like a good guy
MC= that is good news I'll go talk to him right after shift
K= great

we Keep looking up options just in case this one falls through just to have  a back up. I have to shift Matt goes to fire house 66 to talk to the chief about Stella's  future to see if she can join that firehouse

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