You are an inspiration Stella kidd 

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Stella's pov: It's been a couple weeks since I told him as a lieutenant and truck 81 for  Pelham it felt nice to be in charge for one but I think I'm still not ready to be the leader just yet . Turn that time I helped clear Pelham's name  from being a bad firefighter which I was happy to do. And then the surprised of my life happens when Kelly finally decided can you buy engagement ring that I have been waiting on for months now it's beautiful and I'm happy we are finally in a good space again. Everything is back to normal I think it's finally time for me to focus on girls on fire again and I want to do something while I'm at work so I have to clear it by Pelham since he is my lieutenant

S= so I was hoping to set up a girl's on fire session this shift since I'm trying to catch up from my timeway but only with your permission of course
JP= sounds like a great program I'm all for you
S= great
JP= but what happens if we get a call in the middle of it
K= I could step in if squad isn't out on a
KY= I would love to help ( they all look at her) I mean I know the program really well and I won't get caught out of the fire house
S= yes that is a great idea thank you,

We get called away on a call within a few minutes to housefire where they thought a girl was in the house but she wasn't, Gallo kind of cut down on a window in lost a spark for a minute. Once the fire was put out we headed that to the fire house and I go and find Kylie so we can go over the plan for the course for the girls on fire today

S= so this is today's plan I was thinking of doing a fun obstacle course and then a reflusher on the basic ropes  and knots drills
KY= we did that my first class
S= that was what two years ago
KY= yeah it's so crazy to think about how much my life has changed in the best way
S= that makes me really happy to hear Kylie

We get everything set up and I let Kylie handle the course about an hour later I go and check in on what's happening

KY= Nice macey, Yvette Nissa come on ladies keep it going good hustle good hustle keep it up
S= all right do I sound like that intimidating when I yells  at you
KY= so much worse
S= yeah ... hey macey how's it going
MG= happy to see you back Stella I've been waiting to tell you something
S= yeah
MG= I'm turning 21 next month and I'm going to apply for the next CFD  test I wanna be a firefighter no matter how long it takes i am all in
S= that is damn ... come here ( hugs her)
You are my first official recruit I'm so proud of you
MG= thank you

This just feels amazing to have a young girl to go out for a firefighter after joining my program. I let the course go on it's a couple hours later and now it's time to go over all the paperwork and right when I'm getting ready to do the paperwork my phone says doing and it's from Kelly telling me he is working an arson case  and he might not be back anytime soon

S= okay yeah it sounds like you got your hands full good luck ( kiss the phone)
KY= what's  that
S= oh that's Kelly he's going to be let you know I guess the arson case is a tough one and you know he's working with Seager who is A very attractive and obviously in love with him but I'm OK with it because Kelly and I just got back to being solid as hell and there's no reason why I should feel weird about how well they work together
KY= I just meant what's all the paperwork
S= ( looks at it) this is all girl on fire stuff
KY= cool I'll help
S= that would be awesome ( hangs some paperwork over) God now you see why I can't be able to turn it right now you're not supervising all this it's in less hours of paperwork plus the time and energy it takes to run  the sessions
KY= it's a lot
S= it is but you know I can't drop the program look at the difference it's making macey he's going to become a fire fighter
KY= yeah it's pretty amazing no way you can drop the program

Once we get all the paperwork done it was in the shift the next day and shift me Violet and Brett are getting ready and talking in the locker room.

V= as tough as she was playing it she was scared and she didn't strike me as a type to try and burn a house down
S= yeah that's what Kelly is been saying too
SB= i'm glad we got her out of that holding so at least for now
V= yeah
SB= does anybody have moisturize
S= yeah in my locker green bottle
SB= ( looks in locker) Stella Kidd what is this ( shows ring)
S= a ring... a ring That Kelly gave  me at the gala on a freezing cold Terrace
V= why didn't you tell us
S= because we've already been engaged for a while and also I don't wanna make too big of a deal out of it
SB= oh but it is a big deal
V= yeah
SB= maybe it's time to plan an actual wedding now
S= I was thinking the same thing
V= um just curious has it ever been tricky with you and severide with him being a lieutenant at 51 and you guys dating
S= well we are not on the same rug so that helps but even if we were who gives a damn what people think
V= yeah Who gives a damn

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