Tum Mere Ho : Part Three

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Omkara looks at the hand on his stomach and sees the bangle. "Gauri" Omkara says confused and turns back to look at her.

Gauri looks at him crying. "They are trying to take me." Gauri tells him pointing at Kaali and Vikram. "Mama is hurt. He said he'll kill her."

Omkara furiously looks at the two men Gauri had pointed and seeing them charging towards them, he gently pushes Gauri behind him.

"Listen, you don't know us, and we don't know you. So just stay out of this." Vikram tells Omkara before Kaali could do or say something. "This is between my fiancé and us."

"Stop wasting time in talking to such pests." Kaali orders Vikram.

"Come here, Gauri." Vikram orders her and was about to take hold of her hand when Omkara catches Vikram's hand and twists it.

"I haven't given anyone the right to touch my wife." Omkara furiously tells him. "And who the bloody hell are you to take that tone with her?"

"Leave my son! And did you say wife?" Kaali asks shocked and in reply Omkara kicks him squarely on his stomach and Kaali goes flying down.

Vikram screams and tries to hit Omkara with his free hand at the same time kick him.

Omkara turns to Gauri, "Go up."

Gauri looks hesitant.

"You said Sasuma is hurt... go check on her."

Remembering her mother Gauri nods and starts to run up when she spots Kaali and she looks at him worried.

"Nobody is going to touch you." Omkara tells her. Gauri looks at him and feeling reassured she runs up to her house.

"Mama..." Gauri frantically calls Nayantara as she kneeled next to her. "Mama... please open your eyes." Gauri says as she gently rubbed her hand on her hair and feels wetness. She looks at her hand to find blood. "MAMA!" Gauri shouts in shock seeing the head injury. Leaving her mother, Gauri runs out.

Omkara and Rudra were bashing up Kaali, Vikram and a third guy, from his clothes he looked like their driver. Gauri runs to Omkara and pulls him off Kaali. "There is blood. Mama is hurt." Gauri tells him as she frantically shakes him. Omkara turns to Gauri and seeing her worried look he turns to Kaali and furiously threatens him, "Next time I see you or your son, I'll kill you both."


Few hours later, Omkara and Gauri helps Nayantara onto the bed. Gauri gives her the medicine while Omkara steps out of the bedroom. He looks down at himself and sees all the blood on him. Some, were of the three guys' and some were sasuma's, he decided to clean up as Gauri felt disgusted seeing blood on him. He decides to come back later to talk to her as he needed answers from her.

Twenty minutes later, Omkara comes back to find Gauri cooking. Gauri looks up at him and not knowing how to react or what to say or to even smile or not after what had happened and how he had saved and helped her she just didn't know. In the end she simply goes back to her cooking.

"Who were them?" Omkara asks her.

"Papa's business partner and his son." Gauri replies not taking her eyes off from her cooking.

"Why are they after you?"

"According to Papa's will my husband will inherit all our properties and Kaali uncle wants Vikram to marry me, so he can control everything."

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