Bewitched : Part Five

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Bloody hell! She was a bloody witch! Every single thing she had told him was true!!!

Then he couldn't think anything as he stood there as a deer caught in the headlights looking at the rod coming towards him. It was about to touch him when he screams out "GAURI!"

Gauri looks at the rod in shock and realizes what she was about to do and breaks her concentration. The rod falls down immediately hitting him on his toe hard. He howls out in pain.

"OMKARA!" Gauri screams worried and runs to him. He was on the floor holding his toe. "I am sorry, Omkara... I don't know what I was thinking or how I did that... I am sorry." Gauri says regretfully forgetting her heartbreak seeing his toe bleed. Om looks up at her in shock as she worriedly looked at his toe. "Do you have your phone? Call someone here to take you to the doctor."

"Marry me, Gauri." Om begs her.

Gauri looks up at him in shock then quickly moves away from him.

"I am sorry for everything, Gauri."

"Sorry?" Gauri scoffs. "You took everything from me. I gave you everything. You broke my heart. You ruined my life. And you say sorry?"


"I thought you would never hurt me. I thought you were not like my father." Gauri tells him sadly. "You are not like my father. You are worse than him."

"I'll never hurt you again, Gauri. I made a mistake, please forgive me."

"You call that a mistake? I call that a sin."

"It was all a misunderstanding."

"Yes. I misunderstood that you were something more than what you really are."

"Say whatever you want, Gauri but please don't go away from me."

Gauri starts to walk away when she hears him gasp. She turns to look at him to see him standing. His toes were hurting him. She starts to run and hears his gasping and whimpering in pain. She turns to see that he was trying to run behind her.

"Stop coming behind me!"

"I can't help it, Gauri. I can't live without you."

Gauri looks at him helplessly. She wanted to run away but he was trying to follow her. His toes were killing him, she could see that. She had to get away from him but she didn't want him to hurt. Remembering how she had done magic earlier she decides to try once more.

I can't see him in pain.

Closing her eyes, with determination and concentration she thinks.


She felt a whisk and she stumbles forward. She opens her eyes to find herself in a bedroom. She looks around in shock. She was not in any bedroom. She was in HIS bedroom.

This is my home now. For the first time, I felt I was home.

Oh God! She had said that yesterday but it feels like a distant memory now. She looks around the room as fresh tears filled her eyes and her heart broke again remembering the time spent with him. She falls on the ground and touches the bed as she broke down again. She didn't know for how long she sat there crying remembering their time together, which had all been a lie. She looks at the ring on her finger and angrily removes it and throws it on the floor. Getting up she starts running out of the room when she hears his anguished scream.

She turns to look at the sound to find him with his family, manager and a doctor. His back was to her and the doctor was looking at his toe.

"I called you for a f**king car! Not a doctor!" Om screams at Khanna.

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