Ch. 46 - The Olympics

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Rachel's traveling therapist came to visit her and she gave her a little higher dosage than normal of her anti-anxiety medication to help her manage the stress of the Olympics. She was feeling good though. She wasn't sure if it was the medication, the fact that she felt so prepared, or that Cain was there with her this time and her Mom wasn't, but she wasn't that stressed. Nothing like last time.

At her last Olympics she had felt so much pressure from her family, mostly her Mom, that she didn't enjoy the experience of being at the Olympics at all. This time around was different. She was actually having fun. When she wasn't practicing she had been watching some of the other events on TV. Her and Cain watched the snowboarder they met at lunch compete and he did great. He ended up getting a silver medal in his event.

The morning of her event she woke up and saw that her roommate Julia was already awake and she was rocking back and forth crying.

"Are you okay?"

"No. I'm so nervous. I don't belong here. I'm not as good as all these other people. I'm going to go out there and make a fool out of myself in front of the whole world."

"Well, if you do go out there and make a complete fool of yourself it's not the end of the world," Rachel laughed. "I think I proved that. Just stay calm, try to have some fun and go out there and do your best. If you're not happy with how it turns out, just know you can always come back for the next Olympics," she said, getting up and going across the room to sit next to her. "It's gonna be okay. I promise," she said, softly.

Julia gave her a hug and said, "Thank you."

Rachel took a shower and then headed downstairs to the cafeteria where she grabbed a healthy snack to take with her. She got to the rink and changed and got her hair and makeup done. She was wearing the costume for her short program which was the hot pink one with rhinestones on it. When she was out in the hall her phone rang.

"Hey babe. I'm on my way to you. I just got through security."

A minute later she saw Cain coming down the hall and she smiled. He looked so handsome in his white polo shirt with the Olympic symbol on the chest that was tight enough to show off his firm chest and strong arms. He had an Olympic VIP pass lanyard hanging around his neck.

She smiled and gave him a kiss.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, handing her a bottle of water.

"I feel good. I'm actually feeling pretty pumped to get out there. I don't think the nerves have kicked in yet."

He stayed and hung out with her until it was finally her time to take the ice and then he opened the gate for her and gave her a kiss and said, "You've got this babe," giving her a fist bump.

"I hope," she smiled.

She skated out to center ice and took her position and the fast paced music started and her feet went a million miles an hour with the ridiculously fast footwork. She had a smile on her face the whole time and she really was having fun. She went into her first jump which was a triple and she landed it perfectly followed right after by a camel spin switching to a layback spin. She skated around the rink and then started gliding backwards, picking up speed and then bending her front leg and hitting the ice with her toe pick vaulting high up into the air and spinning 1 ..... 2 ..... 3 ..... 4 times. Her blade hit the ice gliding smoothly as she landed with her other leg stretched out behind her and the audience was on their feet screaming.

When her short program was over her heart was pounding from how fast paced it was and she was breathing heavy. She took a few bows and the audience cheers were so loud it made her smile. She skated over to the door and as soon as she opened it Cain grabbed her into a hug and spun her around and then set her down with a kiss.

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