Ch. 48 - Passing the Torch

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After winning Gold at the Olympics Rachel submitted her application to be the new ice skating coach at the rink in town and they accepted right away, but she let them know they would have to wait until her three month press tour for the Olympics was over. They were able to get a few temporary coaches to fill in in the meantime.

She ended up doing interviews with every major talk show in the U.S. plus Good Morning America and some of the major news networks. She did a few cover photo shoots and interviews for magazines too. Cain was even able to do a couple of talk show appearances with her that didn't conflict with his hockey schedule and they were on the cover of Sports Illustrated together with the headline: The Hockey Star and the Ice Princess, The World's Hottest Skating Couple.

They had a crazy busy schedule there for a while but it paid off because they made a lot of money from her TV and magazine appearances along with signing endorsement deals for Wheaties, Under Armour, and the company that made her favorite brand of ice skates.

After she was finally done with her press tour the Minnesota Wild ended up making it all the way to the Stanley Cup Playoffs and she was in the stands in the front row wearing Cain's jersey, watching with his entire family when he scored the winning goal that won them the game.

On the flight back home from Detroit Cain said, "So your press tour's over now and my hockey season's over. We should start making plans for you to move in with me like we talked about."

"Yeah. This week I can start bringing my stuff over from Gladys' house to your house. I've got some work to do at the rink to get my office ready and I'm going to start running practices."

"Hey," Cain said, clearing his throat. "There's something I wanted to talk to you about. You remember how I only signed a one year contract with the Minnesota Wild?" he asked and she nodded. "As much as I enjoyed playing for them, I don't think I wanna do it next season."

"Really? Why not?" she asked, scrunching her eyebrows. "You love that team and you're so good. You're the whole reason they won the Stanley Cup."

Cain rubbed his hands over his face and let out an exhale, running his hands up through his hair. "I feel guilty for leaving them. I do, but I just don't enjoy playing pro hockey like I used to. They're a great bunch of guys and they're good friends, don't get me wrong, but I'm tired of being on the road and living with guys that live to party and drink and hook up with chicks every night. Back when I was nineteen or twenty I would've loved that shit, but it's not me anymore. I might be young still but I'm ready to settle down and be in one place again. You're going to be back home coaching figure skating and I was thinking about coaching the high school hockey team again this season because I really enjoyed that, working with the kids and watching them get better. And I want to get back to personal training and working in the gym with the skaters on exercise and diets."

Cain looked over into her eyes and let out an exhale. "I want to make my house a home and I want that with you Rachel. I'm ready to settle down with you and start a family."

That took her by surprise. "Really? You're ready to start a family?" she asked, feeling her insides flutter at the thought. She could picture adorable, chubby little babies toddling around their house with his steel grey eyes and her heart melted.

"Yeah. I overheard you the other day when we were at the airport and you were talking to that woman with the baby. You were talking about how cute her baby was and you told her you couldn't wait to be a wife and a Mom. You sounded so excited about it and it got me thinking and I realized I couldn't wait for that either. I'm ready."

"Really?" she asked.

"Yeah. Really," he said, with a soft smile. "I was thinking, it's the end of May now. Why don't we plan our wedding for August and then afterwards we could start trying for a baby?" he asked, reaching his hand up and brushing it against her cheek, looking into her eyes. "I mean, if you're ready for that? I'm not trying to rush you."

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