Chapter Six

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If given an order, Luke Orr would do it since sticking by Greyson's side with his leadership was important. He could do whatever he pleased, as long as the job was done. Finding Jason in this place was the new objective.

When they reached Simcoe, Luke glanced around. Things had gotten more under control now that Greyson was in charge. People weren't walking aimlessly or stealing because that's where his own job came in as an officer of what punishment someone would get for disobedience against the rules.

"Turn invisible, perv, or I'll kill you," he snapped.

Preston automatically turned invisible, walking slightly away from his side. It was impossible to see the pervert with that freaky power of his that made him a spy for Greyson.

"Where the hell is he?" Luke snapped.

It was making him impatient because, at least with Greyson, he knew some of the people. Maybe finding someone who was at the meeting would be helpful.

"Hey, there's the one dude from the meeting," Preston said in a low voice.

Luke spotted the short one with dark hair and skin. "Hey!" he called.

Zane automatically looked up, which made him jump.

"Where's Jason?" Luke spat.

"He was going to check out the cage keeping us in here," he said. "I think he was back in the daycare straight ahead."

They passed the grey Foodland toward the small daycare. On the outside, it was brown and yellow siding, with one black door. Kids were surrounded as Luke pushed some of them down in the process. He didn't care who got hurt because children were always annoying.

There was a girl with long raven hair and dark round eyes that came running toward them, guiding some of the children to the side.

"Where's Jason?" He snapped.

Ilya's eyes grew wide, and she jogged to the small kitchen area. There were some kids gathered around one girl in the main area who looked eerily similar to the girl she talked to. The people who helped out there were near the kitchen and were watching him.

Luke glanced at Preston. "Don't say anything."

Luke darted his eyes back to the kitchen, where Jason emerged with Bella and another boy with bushy hair while wearing retro clothes.

"Luke..." Jason trailed off. "What do you need?"

Luke gripped Jason's shirt and pulled him out of the daycare. "It's better if we talk out here, right?" He snarled.

Luke hauled Jason outside by his yellow shirt, throwing him to the ground when he released him. It took Jason a minute, as he coughed a few times before looking back up at him.

"Did you find any new information recently?" Luke demanded with crossed arms.

"Not really." Jason coughed, trying to catch his breath.

"Did you find any information?" Luke growled, gripping his shirt tighter this time.

"There's some bubble surrounding us," Jason said, nodding his head multiple times. "It's keeping us trapped."

"Piece of advice: next time you lie, I'll touch that slut." Luke said, throwing him to the hard ground and walking away.

He could spot the outline of Preston as he lurked near Jason. The order had been set in motion as he went back to the black car. Nobody asked him for anything as he travelled toward it. Some were playing with tools from the small hardware store, which gave him an idea. He went into the empty store and took a cart. He searched the shelves for gasoline and other tools.

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