OS : Angry Little ASR

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Our little junior ASR .... Mr . Arush Singh Raizada ... a two years old grumpy kid of a grumpy dad and bubbly mom ... Mr . and Mrs . ASR . He is a total mumma's boy but then has each and every feature of his dad .... Grumpiness , anger , jealousy , possessiveness are the main features he has ditto of his dad but then he has his sweet cute little smile , hazel orbs , cute button nose , red cheeks and a jalebi and ladoo lover like his mom ... in short he is a sweet lover ... but then a DIABETIC ... just like his dad . Now this is a deadly combination .... A sweet lover + a diabetic . Uff tragic ??

One day our cute little boy was playing with his toys sitting on the sofa with his badi dadi (Arnav's Nani) looking after him .

Ananya , a sweet bubbly carefree nature kid of seven years , daughter of Anjali and Shyam and the princess of Raizada's and specially her mamu (Arnav , mother's sister , was walking towards the living room eating a bar of chocolate , without noticing her brother , a diabetic + sweet lover , playing there on the sofa . She loved sweets as well and the credit goes to her lovely mami (Khushi) .

Ananya walked towards the sofa and sat there still not knowing about her brother's presence . She was busy licking her fingers which had the melted chocolate running down her fingers . Her mamu had brought her lots of chocolates for her yesterday and she had already finished the half of it .

Anjali came with her hands on her hips and showed Ananya the bunch of chocolates her mamu had bought for her yesterday . She was looking angry . Ananya bit her tongue getting caught by her mumma . And now she knew her mumma would not leave her and her mamu as well .

Anjali : Anu (Ananya's nickname) ... What is this ?? Mamu bought you chocolates yesterday only na ?? And you finished the half of it already ?? How many times should I remind you to control your hunger for sweets ?? One day ants will eat your teeth and you can't ever touch those sweets of yours .

Anu : (Ananya) Mumma ... how will ant get into my mouth ?? And they will not even fit in my teeth to eat it and my teeth are so hard to break it ... don't worry ... ants can't eat my teeth and if they will try also then mamu will fire them .

Anjali was going to protest when they heard some noise .

Aru : (Arush) Chakette (Chocolate)

Anjali and anu both looked at him in shock and nani just hit her forehead as she was trying from very long to interrupt them but who would listen when they are busy fighting ??

Anjali : (going towards aru) Aley (arey) ... my baby ... my handsome aru is alsho hele (also here) ??

Aru : (pointing his little finger towards Anu's hand) Buee (Buwa) Aru wantsh chakette .

Anu : (coming towards him) Aru ... you cannot have chocolate !!

Aru : (with teary eyes) Aru wantsh chakette .

Aru forwarded his hands to take the chocolate from Anu's hand when Anu took it back ... making the little one angry .

Aru : (with red nose) Aru's chakette ... gimme (give me) .

Anu : No Aru !!

Arush started crying loud while Anjali rocked him in her arms to shush him . Arush swayed his and successfully caught hold of Ananya's hair and pulled it harshly in anger and now ..... Ananya started crying .

Hearing crying voices from the living , Khushi , who was busy arranging clothes in the cupboard came down rushing , only to see her baby looking angry with angry tears in his eyes and red nose , clutching his sister's hair tightly in his fist , making her cry as well .

Khushi immediately went to Anjali and took her baby in her arms and tried releasing her niece's hair from his tight fist .

Khushi : Aru ... baby ... leave her hair .

Aru : Nah !! Aru wantsh chakette !!

Khushi looked at Ananya's hand where Aru was looking and felt like smacking her head somewhere .

Khushi : (thinking) Hey Devi Mayya (Oh Goddess) Why did you make me wish to eat so many sweets during my pregnancy ?? For the first time in my life I think that laadgovernor was right . He told me so many times to not eat too many sweets but me ?? Huh !! Now bear the consequence .

Khushi : (to Aru) Aru ... please na baby ... you won't obey mumma's words baby ??

Aru : Chakette !!

Khushi knew he would not understand so she forcefully got Anu's hair out of Aru's fist making her baby cry out loud ... making her ear drums break . She rushed towards the stairs and headed up to her room , caressing Arush's back , not before uttering a sorry to Ananya .

Khushi : (thinking) Jaisa baap waisa beta !! (Like father like son !! )

And she had a long way to go .... Consoling the little angry baby of hers . 


Hey Guys , 

This is my first ever try on writing about baby Raizada as well as my first OS Series .

Plz do tell me if you liked it or not and if I should continue this or end it here only .  

Do VOTE and COMMENT if you like it and want me to continue . 

Thank you !!



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