Earlier than Expected

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*yes I did just make an error with the names & re-uploaded this, I'm sorry guys. I confused Ares name with one of the main characters from another book I am writing called, Arlo. 

there has been a very big time skip, an I would like to explain why. Since Jack decided not to return to anywhere near the others, he is only focused on flying around to avoid seeing anyone that could make him upset. I hope you guys understand! It would just be filler chapters in between and I know everyone is ready to see the reunion? 


one year & eleven months

It was during a flight from Washington state to Kansas on his round trip of America when he felt a weird pull in the direction of the Canadian forest. It wasn't like anything he had felt before and he didn't really understand it but he knew that it was strong. He flew without really knowing where the pull was taking him. Jack had been keeping up with time lately and knew he only had a month left in his sleep so he really hoped nothing was going wrong. 

Jack's breath caught when he landed right in the area where his body was to see the ice that once covered him was all melted. He watched in amazement as his staff had a blue light that was pulsing as if it was his heartbeat. The ice around his body was melting rapidly as he watched it fall to the ground. Holy shit, he was waking up. He had one month left though? A real pain went through his head as he fell down with a groan. 

It took a while before he could open his eyes no matter how much he tried, only to find he was no longer kneeling. He was laying down. His hands twitched to find that he really could feel his staff. Jack slowly sat up with a groan as he put a hand to his forehead. His normal chill went through him as he took a full deep breath. A smile covered his face as he realized he really was awake. 

He was awake one month before he was supposed to be. Jack stood up, stumbling, making his memory flash back to when he first woke up all those years ago. He was just getting his footing when a loud whistling went through the trees announcing the wind. He laughed out loud as the wind picked him up high with no hesitation. The wind flipped him around and wrapped around him over and over again like a mother welcoming him home in her own way. 

"Okay, okay. Put me down for a second." Jack said with a laugh. The wind sat him back down as he took a small breath. He tested his frost as he tapped his staff across the ground to watch it spread. He had everything back. Jack jumped around, recreating the first time he woke up from the ice. He jumped around the area as he bounced off the trees and around the area. 

"Alright, let's go surprise some people." The wind whistled as it picked him up into the area. He took to the skies flying around in circles before heading towards the Tooth Palace. It was the first person he said goodbye to, might as well be the first person he greets. Except this time he will say don't tell anyone else first. 


Jack tilted his head as he watched from a distance, Callahan circling Tooth along with some baby fairies. He laughed quietly as Tooth turned to scold her brother because he kept picking at her feather's on her head. He noticed how Callahan did look like a normal human but he did have wings. Did that mean once upon a time she looked like a real girl too? 

"Callahan! Leave my feathers alone!" He heard the boy laugh as he kept doing it. It was funny seeing Tooth try to hold back a smile from the antics her brother was causing. Jack was caught off guard at the sight of new baby fairies, except they were boys. He was not sure how that was possible. Tooth must have used the helper spell for Callahan. He watched the fairies move and work together. 

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