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*to one of my other frequent readers, Origin_Writer1, your request is up next. I promise I have not forgotten it! I do have a plan with your idea that I really think you and everyone else will enjoy :)

this is another request from @Angie04005 ! Jack begins to think about what if Lilly and Aster ever want a child who is a pooka? what if they don't want a human child anymore? what if they aren't truly happy with him anymore? It's an overthinking situation that sends him into a big emotional state...

with that being said, I hope you guys like this one! I think this might be one of my favorites. 


Jack watched as Lilly played around with a group of the kits that were surrounding the women. He had been helping in the gardens as best he could without touching the water they were using, getting stuck on putting the plant seeds down. He watched as Bunny walked up from behind with the rest of the men. He looked on as Aster and Lilly then began to play around with the kits that were hopping around and felt a pain in his chest. 

It had been happening since last week, him closely watching their actions when it came to kits. He had been thinking about it a lot. Did they want kits of their own? Would they leave him? He knew they had plans in the past to of course have kits but did they want to try now. He knew if they did, he couldn't stay. They would need space to have their kit or kits if they had more than one. It was possible for pooka's to have twins or even triplets at the time.

"Jack, are you okay?" He jumped, looking away from them to find Ridley standing behind him with a worried look. He swallowed before nodding about to speak when he saw his uncle glance down, his ears going back slightly. Jack looked down to see that he had slightly frosted the grown below him. It was a clear sign that he wasn't okay. Jack still hadn't fully gotten his control back, he knew he needed to let it out but didn't have the time. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." Ridley shook his head, no Jack was not fine. His eyes were glassy and red while his feet frosted the ground. He was extremely upset about something and it was something big. 

"No you're not, you look like you're about to cry. What's wron-" Jack coughed, shaking his head before letting the wind pick him up. He turned his head to wipe at the tear that fell. Why was he so emotional right now? Was it because he hadn't let himself think this far? He cleared his throat before making his face blank, looking towards the worried Ridley. 

"I'm fine. Tell them I'm gonna be late getting home, there's a snow storm in Japan I have to go see about." Ridley watched with a slight fear as Jack took off, leaving behind the frosted ground and a frozen tear that had fell. He stood where Jack had been to look at what he may have seen but all he saw was Aster playing with the kits. It didn't click in his head like it should have but Ridley felt a horrible chill down his spine. Something bad was going to happen.


Jack had to get these emotions out. He couldn't just make a snow storm and be done with it, there was to much power inside of him to do that. He stared off at the skyline. He knew where he should go to release all of it but the idea of going to Mount Everest to release it sounded fun. He needed a risk. Jack Frost, in all his years, never risked going to the top of that mountain. The wind never took him that far. But he needed it today. 

"Wind, take me to the top." It resisted. He frowned as his wind tried to push him back, away from the mountain. He huffed before trying to push forward in the air but was pushed back again. Jack felt ice form on his hands as he got mad. 

"Either you take me up there or I'll walk, up to you." The wind howled in disagreement. She was trying so hard to keep him away, to get him back. Jack going into a risky climate like this was a bad idea. His emotions were on an all time dangerous high and the wind control up there wasn't hers. It belonged to an old forgotten wind current that was to wild to ride. 

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