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The end of the chapter as an important message so please stick around to read that. 

okay so my last chapter, I know was confusing with all the new names and stuff but I want to say you DON'T have to worry about remembering all of those names.  This is a copy and paste of my "character list" from my google docs where I make my connections so it is less confusing, I've taken straight from my other page so you guys get to see first hand my ADHD mind's way of organizing my characters

Think of this as a references if you ever lose track of which character is which and who goes along with who: 

The Fade characters /  dead to alive : 

Callahan - Tooth's brother
Natasha - North's sister
Denver - Sandy's human bestfriend
Emily - Pitch's wife

Aster's Family: 

Ares: Aster's father
Eleanor: Aster's mother
Ridley: Aster's older brother
Liam: Aster's younger brother

-Other Pooka's names that are mentioned/ side characters-

Shawn - adult male
Summer - adult female
Aaron & Bailey - kits / brothers / Summer's kids

Jack's Human Family: 

Emily - Jack's mother
David - Jack's real father
Joey - Jack's step-father/ abusive
Joey's brother - never named  
Emma - little sister
Nick - bestfriend 
Andy - bestfriend

Seasonals/Other Holidays:

Seraphina - Mother Nature (Pitch & Emily's daughter)
Marcus Flare - head of summer
Archie Fall - head of Spring
Katie McConnel - head of Autumn/Fall
Mary - Spring spirit
Crystal - Fall spirit
Stray - Fall spirit
Patrick - Leprechaun
Timothy - Thanksgiving
April Showers - Rain spirit
Peter - groundhog

The Burgess Kids w/families:

Jamie -married to Pippa
Pippa - married to Jamie
Cupcake - single
Monty - single
Claude & Caleb - the twins
Jackie - (Jamie & Pippa's daughter)

Other characters:

Samuel - Jack's older friend/ "evil" 
Roy - Sam's demon 1 (this one is going to be most mentioned)
Hook - Sam's demon 2
Eli - Sam's demon 3
Adrian - Sam's demon 4
Daniel - Sam's demon 5
Preston - Sam's demon 6
Death - never named just because the name is already there for me 

Old character names in past chapters that aren't here will probably not be coming back (other than Sam of course)



So I have had 2 friends on Wattpad whose stories have been taken off suddenly and put into the hands of Wattpad. They can't access their own stories because of it so I will be saying now that I am backing up my stories on Google and that if it ever comes to my stories being taken down for some reason, PLEASE, message me and notify me!

Both stories had mature themes in it and I know this isn't really that mature but you guys will be seeing in a few minutes after this chapter is posted that I am putting an introducing chapter at the beginning of this story just for new people to go ahead and know any triggers, mature themes they don't want, or something someone may not want to read. 

I asked one of the writers what the reason her's was taken down for was and she said it was reported for "mature themes". It was mature and was fully warned that it was mature yet someone still reported it and the girl lost all of her work. She had said there was someone in her comment section sending pure hate towards her story right before the report was sent so I'm making a beginning warning so no one does that to mine if they don't like the chapters or themes of one of the one shots. 

There is no full chapter today and I apologize for that as I have been working with an advisor for my college because I move in to dorms in like 2 weeks. I might actually post one out of schedule tomorrow maybe but it will be an old filler chapter I have. 

I hope all of you have a good day! Sending good vibes to you all :) <3

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