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Bennet grabbed my arm and pulled me along with him to a spot. "Stay here." He said. "You're our secret weapon. If you hear a bird call of any sort come out because that means we need backup."

"Sounds good." I agreed with a sharp nod and kneeled down in the corner. It was an accurate hiding spot, considering nobody walked by from the time Bennet walked away until I heard a bird call.

It's go time, Gabs... I thought to myself as I walked out of the hiding place. I walked down the hallway of green lights in search for Bennet. I had my gun ready to shoot as I walked. When I turned, I turned right into someone's awaiting arms and they wrapped their arms around my waist.

I nearly screamed until I heard the familiar sound of Ayden's laughter and the rumbling it gave off of his chest. "Ayden Chambers...I'm gonna..." Before I could even finish my sentence, I was shot 3 times and my vest stopped lighting up. Ayden grinned as he let go of me, giving a thumbs up to the person behind him, Dakota.

"Dakota!" I yelled. Well, Bennet is only going to hate me more, considering I was a horrible backup.

"Gabs, don't feel bad. Bennet uses that as his secret signal every time we come here. It doesn't take much time for us to catch on." Ayden said when he saw my frightened look. Wow, was Bennet that predictable?

When Colton got out, I followed him out of the arena and we watched the game from the cameras view. I saw Bennet and Ayden moving around like ninjas. They were the only two left.

"I hate you, Dakota." I mumbled when he sat down next to me with a pop in his hand.

"Aw, G, no you don't."

Ayden came out first with Bennet following. Bennet had won.

"Hey, sorry about getting out, Bennet." I told him, in hopes it would take off some sass. He chuckled.

"Nah, my fault. I use the bird call every time." Well, it took off a lot less sass than I had expected it too. Ayden, Colton, and Dakota barked out in laughter.

"Literally every time." Colton said.

As the night progressed, we played many more games of laser tag, and I must say that it was pretty fun. I got into it - Colton and I teamed up and dominated for one of the games. At about our 6th game, I chose to sit it out considering I was dead-tired. Blaise called our group in and Ayden and his friends went in. After about a minute of sitting on the floor next to the window, playing on my phone, Ayden had taken a seat down next to me.

I guess he had walked out of the room, changing his mind about playing this round.


I sat down next to Gabby as she sat by the window on her phone. She looked over at me when I sat down and smiled.

"You didn't want to play?"

I shrugged. "I would rather talk to you. So, tell me about yourself." Gabby chuckled softly, but held up the 'one minute' finger. She flipped her hair over her head and pulled it all together, tying it in a loose ponytail on top of her head.

Gabby is gorgeous, not going to lie.

She snapped her fingers in front of my face, snapping me out of my trance. "What do you want to know?"

"Tell me about your family." A sad look appeared on her face.

"Ask anything else?" She nearly pleaded.

"Um, any sports?"

After thinking for a moment, Gabby opened her mouth, "no." She shook her head. "I used to like to run, but I never did track or anything, you?"

"Football is all. Favorite color?" I asked.

"Light blue." She answered. "You?"

"The color of your eyes." I need to stay a little flirty - that was Bennet's number one tip.

However, taking Bennet's tips may not be a solid plan, considering he was the biggest player in the school.

Anyway, it's true. That color of her emerald green eyes has always been a favorite color of mine.

"Cheesy." Gabby rolled her eyes, with a slight pink tint on her cheeks.


"March 8th and a half." She snickered. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What the hell?" I laughed, but I couldn't help the grin that appeared on my face as she giggled childishly.

"It means I was born on March 8th at noon exactly."

"You're so weird."

I just met this girl and I'm pretty sure if she asked me to get a specific soup for her while she's sick, no matter the distance, I'd run on feet to go get it.

"When's yours?"

"February 8th. Solid, born at exactly midnight." Mimicking how she was very specific.

Gabby and I continued to ask each other random questions and we found out a lot about each other. Something that remained a mystery between the two of us? Our families. I suppose it was just for the better.

She didn't like to talk about hers and I didn't like to talk about mine.

At the end of the all-nighter Gabby looked like she was going to pass out. She was very cute when she was tired.

Shut the hell up, Ayd, you met her three days ago.

The guys didn't mind me dropping off Gabby first, considering her exhausted state. I walked with her to her doorstep and knocked on the door.

A woman with short brown hair that resembles Gabby's long hair opened the door. She had Gabby's eyes and everything, so she must've been her mother.

"Good morning, you must be Mrs. Roberts." She looked very tired with the dark purple bags under her eyes and a  white t-shirt stained from paint.

"Good morning." Mrs. Roberts moved to the side as Gabby walked in lazily.

"Bye, Ayden." She waved tiredly. Her mom watched her go halfway up the stairs before turning back to me.

"Thank you, Ayden." She said with a small smile that didn't reach her eyes.

Not many emotions meet the eyes of the Roberts' family, so far, do they?

After Mrs. Roberts closed the door, I hopped back in my car and drove home to my house.

The guys and I always hung out after the laser-tag all-nighters, despite how sleep-deprived we were.

Us 4 are well-known at our school, even if we do spend a weekend each month playing laser-tag all night. However, none of us actually care much for our title. We aren't rude and that's probably the reason we are liked by many. We're likable.

"You like her, don't you man?" Dakota interrogated me right as I sat down.

"No shit he does." Bennet rolled his eyes. Colton nodded, too, from next to me.

"I don't."

"Come on, dude," Bennet rolled his eyes.

"I barely know Gabby. Hell, she won't even tell me about her family."

I pulled into my driveway and got out. It gets hella annoying when they all accuse me of having feels for someone.

"Were you going to tell her about yours?" Colton asked.

"Not the whole truth." I muttered.

"Exactly. It's just a self defense mechanism." He shrugged. "You like Gabby, dude, just admit it."

Instead, I picked up a soccer ball from the floor in my house and chucked it in my friends' direction.

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