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Arden will not give up on this matter whatsoever. She confronts me at every given moment to inform me she will have Ayden back because he loves her and not me. I'm at the point where it doesn't bother me in the slightest, except for the fact she's a nuisance.

Hardly anyone at school likes her either, after what she did to Dom, so the only people who are by her side are her most loyal minions.

I was walking to forensics with Colton to meet Emma, because Emma and I have class together, when we were intercepted by Arden. It's become part of our routine to be momentarily harassed by Arden before we actually made it to forensics.

She's crazy.

"He's never going to love you the way he loved me." She hissed angrily.

I rolled my eyes, as did Colton. "That's kind of the point, Arden. He didn't love you; therefore, he can't love Gabby like he loves you. Because he never did and he never will. Give it a rest already."

As scheduled, we sidestepped around Arden and finally made it to forensics where Emma was waiting. She and Colton talked for a few moments while I stood idly by, then Emma and I went into our class while Colton went next door to his.

Bennet has tried calling Dom several times since Friday, but he didn't return any of the calls as far as I know. Bennet's ignorance toward Dom attending school with us had hurt him.
Bennet still sits with us at lunch and in class, but he hardly talks anymore. He only speaks when spoken to, but even then they are typically just one or two word replies.

During school, Dom is often around McKenna and he seems to be getting along well with her. I'm glad hes already made a friend all on his own within his first week of being here. Though he seems happy to be friends with McKenna, it was quite obvious he wanted to be able to talk to Bennet in school. But Bennet didn't want that.


Ayden and I had gone out to eat last night for dinner and we discussed what was going on between Bennet and Dom, or the lack of. Ayden had explained to me Bennet feels terrible, misses him, and his plan to fix it all. Frankly, I think it's a great, brave plan, but it'll only work if I can keep up my end of the bargain. Luckily, I convinced Bennet to let me involve McKenna in the situation.

"Hey, Gabby," McKenna said, shyly, when I opened the door to my house to welcome her in.

"Hey, come in." I'd already explained to her what was going on over the phone and now she and I had to get Dom to the basketball game.

McKenna and I trudged up the stairs side by side to Dom's room where he had the door already propped open.

"McKenna? What're you doing here?" He questioned when he heard the floor creek beneath us as we walked through the door.

"You should come to the basketball game tonight, it'll be fun." McKenna encouraged.

"Not interested." He mumbled returning to whatever it is he was doing on his phone.

"Come on, Dom," I butted in now. "It's a good opportunity to meet new people."


He stared at both of us blankly.

"Please, Dom. Just this one game." McKenna pleaded as she sat down on his bed next to him. He sighed, proving that he had caved and agreed.

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