Chapter 4: Interview

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------------Eloise's P.O.V --------------------------------

Eloise closed the door quickly and screamed loudly. "This cannot be happening!" She started throwing things on the ground. "I am such a bitch, poor Finn, he deserves so much better than me." she said as she paced the floor of her living room. "Why did I let him do that? Why? I mean, he is super nice and gorgeous but I love Finn and falling for yet another boy is wrong"

She sat down on the couch with her head in her hands. "I should call Finn" She says and marks his number on her phone. "Hello?" He says "Hey Baby its me, can I come over?" She asks and he stutters. "Uhh..How about I go over there?" "Sure, I mean I didn't want to bother you but if you want to sure." She says getting a weird feeling about this. "Okay then, I'll be there in a few." he says without saying goodbye and hangs up. She thinks about it for a second and then decides to call Liam. He doesn't answer and so she leaves a voice message. "Hey Liam, its Eloise, I wanted to talk about the today, and I know we just met and everything but I feel awkward lying to Finn about him being the only boy I like. So call me back but not today cause he is coming over. Talk to you tomorrow then. Bye" She leaves the message and hangs up.

"Okay, Finn likes tea, I'll make him tea." She says before heading towards the kitchen. She runs back to the living room to make sure Harry didn't leave any of his stuff. And of course, he did. He left his.beanie. Eloise took it to her room and hid it in one of her drawers. She was expecting Finn soon but she needed to shower. She quickly undress in the bathroom and turned the shower on. She liked taking cold showers so when she got out she wouldn't be cold. She stood under the cold water and ran her hands through her hair. She shampooed and conditioned it. After another couple of minutes, she got out and dried herself off. She put her pj's on and prepared the tea. Then the doorbell rang and she walked towards the door. When she opened it she found Finn hiding behind some flowers he had bought for her. They were roses and Eloise dispised them. She pretended she liked them and she kissed him. Once he came in she offered him tea and biscuits. He gladly took them and they talked. "so why did you make me get up from my bed love?" he asked rudely and she kind of responded the same way but less rudely. "well I wanted to see and I was lonely." he nodded and she sighed. "I'm going to ask you something you have to answer honestly okay?" she asked and he nodded. "Is it okay with you if I have guy friends... as in Harry and Liam?". He stared at her for a second in disbelief then laughed. "Duhhh! of course its okay love. What? you thought I wasn't going to let you? You know I am not controlling" he said and she smiled and leaned in for a kiss. He leaned in too and the kissed lightly. Then she started taking this farther. She sat on top him and lighly nibbled on his neck . He stood up and said "lets take this to your room". She smiled and they walked to her room. Linked in hands they closed the door and got back to business. All of the sudden he lifted her up bridal style and playfully threw her on the bed. But instead off kissing her got on top of her and tickled her. He loved making her laugh because he liked the way her laugh buzzed in his ear. If was very different than any other laugh he had ever heard. Almost witchy like but with a bubbly tone that nobody could explained. She was begging to stop in between laughs and he accepted. He rolled off and landed next to her. Eloise stared at him and stroked his hair. He couldn't take his eyes off her and he knew it. He then rested his head on his fist and continued to look at her. She got closer and they kissed for a second before he suggested a movie. They agreed in The Sound Of Music and cuddled in bed. This was going to be a great night for both.

-------------------------Harry's P.O.V.---------------------------

After a while looking for a cab that never came, Harry decided to walk home. I mean there wasn't anyone out at 1 in the morning right? So he walked home with a huge grin in his face from kissing Eloise. He knew it was wrong and was hurting two people. One that was one of his best friends and the other one some he had just met for the second time. When he finally reached his building he shook the smile off and went up to his flat. "Hey Lou" he said waving at Louis who was watching TV. "Where were you and why are you smiling so much?" he question Harry and Harry looked at him confused. "I'm not smiling! and I was just walking home. That's all." Louis squinted his at Harry and he raised his arms in innocence. "What?! I didn't do anything. Other than talk to Eloise nothing." he said while locking eyes with Louis. "You are going to get your self in trouble. You know she is soon to be married and you know Liam likes her!" Louis exclaimed and Harry backed away leaving Louis talking to himself. He shouted from the entrance of his room. "It's my problem!" and closed his door.

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