Chapter 7: Beach

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------------------ Harry's P.O.V. ---------------------

He watched Eloise intently as she walked away from the group, annoyed at being scold at for talking to Dave Franco. Her now tan skin glowed as the sun shined on it. Her perfect body was very eye catching, for the rest of the boys watched her as well. She swung her hips as she walked and her hair, cascaded behind her as the wind blew on it. She walked around the water back and forth, kicking it as well. She gave them her back, but what she didn't know was, a puppy dalmatian was about to knock her down. The Frisbee hit her back, she turned around and the puppy flew on top of her. She shriek loudly as she fell into the water. The dog wasn't interested on the Frisbee now, it was all over her, giving her kisses. She laughed as his tongue flew across her cheek and she scratch him behind his ears. The owner ran over to them and commanded the dog to stop, but he wouldn't. He kept on kissing her. Finally she got a hold of her self and the dog settled down. The man helped her up and she smiled at. Harry tensed up as they talked and she laughed with him.

--------------------- Eloise's P.O.V ------------------------

The owner of the dog was extremely fit and handsome. He kind of looked like a young verson of John Stamos, but with shorter hair. "I'm so sorry Felipe knocked you over" He said and she kneeled down to pet the pup. "Don't worry about it, he was just being friendly. Plus I enjoyed the kisses, because he is a very handsome dalmatian." They both laughed at her comment and continued talking. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name" she stated and he chuckled. "Bartlee, but you can call me Lee." He smiled. "Well, I'm Eloise and you can call me Elle." "Did you happen to catch the Frisbee?" He joked and she laughed. "No but it landed here some where..." She looked around in the water. He found it a couple feet from where they were. "Well, I should get back to my boyfriend. Bye Eloise" He waved goodbye and walked away with his dog trailing behind him. "Bye Lee!" she yelled and he turned to her and smiled.

She sat down on the sand, her feet barely touching the coming water. Some one sat down next to her and layed back on the sand. "Hello, handsome" She called and Liam smiled. "Hello gorgeous" He smirked and she laughed. "Oh stop it, you!" She pushed his arm playfully. "Who was that man you were talking to?" He asked. "Oh that was Lee, he was very nice and handsome." She wanted to make him jealous. "Ohh I see how your playing..." He joked. "Liam, I'm kidding... I don't like him. Not kidding about him being hot though. But he plays on the other team" She sighing. "What team?" He looked at her confused and laughed. "Oh my God, Liam the gay team" She face palmed herself and laughed at his innocence. "Oh... I knew that." He tried to cover things up.

She noticed a napkin, hanging off his swimsuit pocket. "What's this?" She took it out and read it. "ooooo Call me at 020-8775-9423 from Alice!" She stands up and laughs at his pathetic napkin, who has a red kiss on it. "Give that back!" He demanded. "Catch me first." She ran away from into the water. Running in water was hard, especially with her skinny legs. Liam caught up to her and grasped her by her hips. She laughed and shrieked. So he wouldn't get it back she stuffed it in her bikini top. "Where is it?" He laughed out. "Find AHH-" she screamed as he dropped her into the water. "Liam Payne you are going to pay!" She splashed water all over his face and he fell backwards. "ha ha!" she ran away from him. He stood up and tried to catch up but failed. He fell foward and Eloise ran back to him. Little did she know, it was a trap. "Liam!" She yelled. He was laying in the water, whimpering in pain. "I'm so sorry." She said trying to help him up as he reach out his hand to her. But he pulled her in and she fell on top of him. "You Liar!" she protested and he laughed. They splashed water on each other's faces and joked for about 5 minutes. They would say truce but Liam always started to splash water on her, starting a water fight. "I surrender!" He yelled and she danced in victory. They walked back to the boys who were all asleep except for Harry and Louis. They pushed each other, hard. Liam fell once and was completely surprised by her strength.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2013 ⏰

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