Chapter 6: Change In Plans

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---------------Eloise's P.O.V. --------------------

Eloise got into her car with a slight headache. As she thought about the previous incident, she got madder and madder. Not only was Finn not there to protect her, but he was saying goodbye to his new friend Addison. She rested her forehead against the steering wheel and closed her eyes. For a second, she felt tears building up. But she retained them. She sat up and let out a deep sigh. She looked out the window, to find Finn coming towards her car. He smiled at her but she just looked away. He opened the door and got in. "Hey Elle" he said putting his hand on her shoulder. She evaded his touch, as she moved her shoulder indicating she didn't want to be touched. "What's wrong?" He whispered and she chuckled at his comment. "Oh nothing, I almost got raped  while you said goodbye to your little girlfriend. That's all." Finn went pale, eyes opened and jaw dropping. "WHAT?" he screamed and she looked straight at him. "Yeah, I was going down the stairs and some stupid boys followed me. I got impatient so I took the elevator. Just as the doors were closing some ass hole got on. He tried to talk to me but I just slapped and insulted him. Then he got mad and pushed me against the wall, he held me down and started unbuttoning my blouse and then he touched me. I tried to scream but he covered my mouth. I bite him and he backed away in pain. And before getting out I stepped on his foot, stabbing him with my heel!" She yelled at him and he tensed up. Eloise could see his eyes watering, she wanted to hug him and kiss him. But she was mad, mad at him for not coming to her rescue. 

Both their cheeks were now full of tears and the car of full of sobbing and choking. She couldn't even breathe from all the crying. Finn was silent, he was crying, but silently to himself. He reached for her hand, grabbing it and putting close to his cheek. He planted little kisses to the back of it and moved it up and down his cheek, to feel her warmth. "Eloise sweetheart, I'm so sorry I left you alone. I'm such a dickhead." He tried to turn head to face him but she didn't let him. "Yes, you are" she whispered. Then quickly, he opens the car door and gets out. Eloise is startled by his actions, she didn't want him to leave. She wanted him feel bad. But not leave,  but he opened the door on her side. He opened it all the way, to make sure she could see him kneel down. He was on his knees, his eyes were puffy and he was begging for her forgiveness. "I love you so much, and I'm so sorry I let this happen." She turned to face him, legs outside the car. He laid his head against her legs and closed his eyes waiting for her response. Eloise didn't know what to say. She was confused by all the kissing and fighting. So she responded normally like any other person would if some one told them they love them "I love you too." she whispered and he lifted his head to look up at her. He got up from his knees and stroked her soft curls. He gently brushes against her cheek and she cuddles into it. "Let me make it up you" he whispers and helps her up. He carries her bridal style all the way to the passenger seat, sits her down and secures the seat belt. He rushes to the driver's seat and swiftly drives away just as he finishes putting on his seat belt.

She is still feeling a little disappointed, but Finn promised he would try to fix things. As they get home, Finn calls someone and tells her to pack her things. They are going away for a little. "But I have work this week." she complains "That's covered" he flashes her a smile. "What about your work?" she asks and he sighs heavily. "I've EVERYTHING covered. Don't worry about it and stop whining." He assures her. "Where are we going? What if I don't like it? I'm tired. I want to stay home" she whines.  "Eloise, would you like some cheese with that whine?" he jokes and she rolls her eyes at him. "I'm going to get my things, but I'll be right back. Do NOT leave this room." He kisses her goodbye and walks out the door. 

She falls back into her couch and whines a little more before her cell phone rings. It's Harry. "Hello handsome, what is the pleasure of hearing your voice?" she kids around he laughs a bit. "Hello Eloise. I was just wondering how your day was." he says and she starts to tear up. Harry senses something is off. "Horrible! After Liam and I went to have breakfast, we got attacked by fans. So we hid in a park. After that, I went over to Finn's work place and found him all flirty with another girl. We were going to have lunch so I went down to get my car while he said goodbye to his new friends. While in the Elevator some jack ass tried to rape me and now I'm leaving somewhere Finn won't tell me" She whimpers and he gasps. "What!? You almost got raped? Oh my god I'm going to find that son of bitch!" he yells. "Don't please, I've already filed a complain and talked to an officer about it." she slightly says and Harry calms down. "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. I should of taken you out for breakfast and we would of hung out longer. I feel responsible. I am so sorry." She goes on telling him it's not his fault. "Alright well, I have to go but I'll talk you soon. The boys an I are going on a trip tomorrow so we'll see each other next week alright?" "Okay, have fun" she says goodbye and they hang up.

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