chapter 2| Arthur

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As the new young prince and princess of Wales go to thier new palace . Margaret and Henry ask if they can marry soon . The king is shock about it because of the fact that Margaret is already having her bleeding , she can get pregnant . He first said no but of course his son doesn't take no as an answer . " I will be king . I will do what ever I want to do !" Henry scream and grab Margaret . ' I will be king ' Lizzie's mind repeat . She know Henry can predict alot of things but he don't realize it

In Henry's chamber . Margaret hug him and reasure time will come . He kissed her like he always did . But they never told anyone just then the door went open . Lady beaufort . Margaret rolled her eyes at her . Lady beaufort started to yell at them and said " you two are not married . That is wrong in the eyes of the lord "

" As a girl from Dutchbergland. I believe in no god . He doesn't exist. Not even one bit . There is something that can explain the creation of the world !" . First time she talk back at anyone and first time someone talk back at lady beaufort ,and talk how god did not exist " bless your soul you lady " she said " yah . May Satan bless my soul , old lady . I am Princess of Eelwas and how DARE you defy me !" A mad Margaret response . Lady beaufort couldn't hold it back and said " your father-"

"lady mother !" Henry yell . As much as he love his mother . He wanted to protect Margaret from the sad reality . " I will go and talk to her . You may leave " lizzie said . Lady beaufort leave and a very upset Margaret was sitting by Henry . " I will talk to you two tomorrow . Go to bed " . She closes the door of the chamber and go to thiers

Harry In the room with Margaret start to say  " I dreamed of Arthur being dead . If I became the king . Give me sons . Alot of them and we're going to named them all Henry  like , Henry Arthur , Henry Edward , Henry jasper , Henry Edmond and more " Margaret laugh at his idea . " Yas and name the girls all Margaret like Margaret Elizabeth , Margaret Mary , Margaret Anne , margaret Cathrine and MORE !!" a now happy Margaret said . Harry always push the negative sides of her . That is what husband's are supposed to do , right ?. They both wish to be in that moment forever . Wishing that night will never end . " Gosh you're the best woman I ever met " harry said . " And you're the best prince I've ever met " Margaret replied .

" I will pick you even If it's ' the world or you ' " harry reasure her . " You will be my queen " he said . " And you will be my king " Margaret said kissing him . " Then if we had sons to be king will they be , king of England and Dutchbergland or just england" Margaret ask " england and Dutchbergland . King Henry viiii of England and king Henry viii of Dutchbergland " harry stated then kiss her " I love you , Margaret Shauncaster " " I love you too , Henry Tudor and king Henry viii " they said as they go to sleep

As the king and queen walk through the hallway of the palace the king is heard to say

" Why did you let it go ? . We should have been talking to them " Henry stated . " She's clearly upset . We couldn't talk to someone who's upset . Now You talk to your mother " lizzie said as she push him out of the chamber

" What happened ? " The king ask his mother " I saw them kissing !"
"And ? . They were about to be wed in some years " the king said out of annoyance " it's WRONG under the eyes for the lord " . Henry roll his eyes and leave her sleeping chambers . As he walk to Elizabeth's chamber he told her what his mother saw . " They are just kids. It's normal if you know they will be together forever " the didn't bother to argue and just plan to talk to them in the morning


Margaret woke up on the chest of Henry but immediately feel the presence of someone . She pull her foot long dagger and look . It's the king himself . " The king watching his child and his bride sleep is sounding a bit unprofessional " Margaret said out of annoyance . She is still upset . " I was watching is both of you have warm each other's bed " margaret stand up and put her robe and said " what if we already did " and walk out . The king is stuned about the princess's behavior . Every day she turn more and more stubborn . A bit annoying but still good for a queen

They then receive the new the prince of Wales is dead .Henry was right . He was going to be king . Margaret said the news to him and kiss him " we are bring peace to our country !" The both said at the same time . " Our children will be a sign of peace and harmony of the world " Margaret said and kiss him . She sat on his lap and said " you are only mine Henry VIII " . " I am only yours , Margaret I " he replied and kiss her . " What will happend to catherine ?" Margaret ask worriedly . " God knows " Henry said

Catherine in the other hand still have the plan to be queen . She have the plan from Arthur . Her beloved Arthur . They love each other . But he want her to be queen even if he died . So her plan is to marry the new prince of Wales , prince Harry / Henry  and god knows what else is she planning

Oh Catherine  . If you just know what's in the future 

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