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Francis health started to deteriorate and Margaret is ready for the worse

This year, he finally died which cause Margaret to be happy and sad at the same time. He was buried next to his mother and a ready grave is next to him, for margaret when she die. It kinda angered her because she said "do you want me to die now?!? "

Margaret's pov

Me and the children are in my room doing our things, Mary and Henry doing needle work, Madelaine and Mary (of Scots) is doing some poetry and Francis is entertaining Margaret while I plan things out because it only been a week since Francis died so there's alot of thing going on

Like in the court they think I should just be regent and not regnant because Francis is still underage.

I think of maybe I can rule and guide my son ? . If that's possible. Or maybe just let Francis wait for me to die?? But I know he won't last long, I feel sorry for Mary , I also saw her future but didn't said a word

Mary and Henry will live and collide our countries together because I'm giving them directions to the best life, and I know if I don't, Mary would have lost her mind . If she married Phillip of Spain , oh dear lord. It's will be a disaster

I suddenly remembered of Henry, we haven't talked for a while, in years, him and Anne Boleyn is having a child, which is going to be called as A BLOODY PRINCE/PRINCESS!! I need to make terms with Henry immediately. I don't want that bastard seating next to his throne, I want Mary next to him, not that child ,nor Fitzroy nor anybody. Mary Is the rightful queen and her only

" I will set sail to England. Mary do you want to come? " I ask. She look at me with fear "n-no thank y-you " Henry tried comforting her " Margaret, do you want to come? " my adventures daughter immediately said yes. "mama, we're gonna watch the waves? " my 6 year old ask . I nod with a smile. "and, oh, Charles will be there too! " I squeak. She jump up and down "I miss him" she stated. "mother, can I ask why are you going to set sail? " Francis ask "well, dear Francis I have work to do, my alliance with England is still alive because of my friendship with the mean old king Henry " I joke, they all laugh and Madeline repeat "mean old uncle Henry! " she said in a funny voice. "I'm telling! " Henry said dragging the letter "G" making us all laugh harder

As tge night drop , me and margaret get in the ship

"francis and henry, Go to that ship once you feel danger, both of you know how to opperate it , protect your wives " i said then kiss thier fore head , madelaine is coming with us vut for a good reason , she will meet her love , (a guy i dont knwo yet ) in england "the two Mary's! " I call, they both laugh. I hand them my sapphire necklace and bracelet "you two pick, who's gonna get who's " I smile and kiss thier forehead

Well you see, I'm not coming back. Francis went inside because he's getting chilly ... My life and my girls life is being threatened by the court, they will kill us if we don't leave

A few weeks prior

I'm sitting by my bed ,re thinking my life after one of the court member told me, some of the gentleman are trying to plan an assassination for me and my girls

The only escape for me is England, for margaret is Dutchbergland and for Madelaine is Scots.

Dear Henry,

I know you haven't heard from me for a while but, I am glad you can have your peace, I did throw Cathrine out of my court and now she's in Spain, Mary who's a lady now is infuriated by your actions, First Fitzroy now that Boleyn child. I am to set sail in a few weeks, I am being threatened. Me and my girls. Francis, Mary of Scots, Henry Phillipe and Mary will be staying here but with high security. I will need a shelter for a while and I think England will be the safest place

Love, your dearest friend
margaret I Queen of France and princess of Eelwas

I send the letter and wrote a letter for my sons

Dear Henry,

Hello my love, me and your sisters will be going to England for a while . Always remember, I love you. You and Francis and you will always be my favourite boy. Be nice and gentle with Mary, make her your queen, queen of your heart and England. Have children for the future and have peace.

I won't be coming back

I love you

Dearest mamá

Dear my king Francis,

As I will to set sail with your sisters. I want you to take care of our kingdom, take care of the two Mary, take care of your brother.

I love you


Current time

Francis's pov

I walk into mamá's room then I saw a letter label, For Francis and another one for Henry

I read it and immediately ran out of the castle in tears. "MAMÁ! " I yell. Henry and the two Mary look at me. The ship is far from shore now. "no" I said. "what's wrong? " Mary ask "MA - mama isn't coming back. In her study room. Letter " I said out of breath

How am I supposed to rule alone without my mother


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