chapter 11| Julien Aubert

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As the king got the news of his queen being gravelly Ill.  He commanded to nurse and care her immediately  . He have talked to Dr.  Alexandre Lucas he said "the queen have several infected wounds. She need to take a rest and be careful for  While.  She will be fine within a few weeks " he know he is lying.  The queen isn't just sick because of infection  . Something might be much more than a infected wounds 

As he sign Julien Aubert's death warrant.  The king plan to execute him in front of his remaining family and his beloved Margaret  . He will be beheaded

Few weeks

As Margaret gain her strength  she was called and told to wear black and mourning clothes.... Which made the queen think "who is dead?" which lady Mary answered  "the Julien Aubert , your grace " she was to burst out crying.  "dismiss all of you " . She cried like there like there's no tomorrow  . The promises that have been broken. An innocent live has been wasted all because of her,  all because she follow her heart instead of her brain.  She cried for  Good minute until her ladies walk in and dress her

As she walk out off the palace to the execution grounds her intelligence kick in.  He wasn't dead.  No not at all.  Just about to be . She saw him standing by the block with a smile,  a reassuring smile. " you Julien Aubert is filed guilty for treasoning the king and queen. " said by the archbishop  .
" I have come here to die.  Your grace , my queen....  Take this as my last special gift.  My promise shall be fulfilled  .May many healthy children will come,  sons or daughters  .As a friend and lover. I Julien Aubert  accepted my death " he said as he closes his eyes. " I love you Margaret" The executioner drop the coin and then slash his head off.  Margaret scream in terror. The bouquet of meythis on her hands seem to know what she feel as it changes its colour to brown

Her only friend in court whom didn't care about the king is dead,  in front of her eyes. Now the queens sapphire eyes are gone,  it's now brown as the flowers. "his promise have been fulfilled  " she whispered  . His family are traumatized  by this and his lands will be confiscated

"Francis. He just died and now you're making his family suffer more by taking the lands that have been with them for centuries  " Margaret stated asking for mercy of the king.  The king didn't mind her. "I am with a child. Leave them alone and I promise to give you a heir,  a healthy  child.  Francis please  for your child " as she use the words 'I am with a child " he walk towards her and pit his hands on her stomach . Then it kick "strong boy" . She move his hands away from her as those hands are the ones who sign her beloved Julien Aubert's death warrant. "you shall be in confinement" Francis stated "no.  I will not be treated like a prisoner where I rule " she fire back.  "no I rule.  You serve " he retorted

"WE rule,  they serve " she corrected him.  "I'm the KING of France! " he yells "and I am your queen " Margaret said calmly  . "respect  the fact that youre a consort! " he stated "RESPECT goes both ways! " she yell back.  She then leave and go to her bed chamber that Francis have give her back.  "may God bless his soul,  Julien and Francis"

Ehm Francis, don't stress her or she will miscarry again .bye

-lady katalina Gray

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