Chapter 10 - Power up Heroes!!

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Sparkle then uses her flute and goes inside the castle of harmony 

Sparkle Light: Guys listen, do not follow me following me won't do any good even you Tayrin.

Hero Squad: Got it!

When Sparkle entered the Tree of harmony garden she saw the beautiful elements clutched on the tree with purple, yellow-orange, and turquoise fog. She sits down and plays some tunes

(song does not belong to me)

Just when she is in the middle of a song red, grey, and black fog started swirling around Sparkle when she opened her eyes she noticed that the fog is in an evil state making a tornado. Sparkle then gasped and yelled...

Sparkle Light: Guys, help!

Outside the castle, the Hero Squad was waiting for Sparkle they were playing with purple and brown leaves and other mythical plants when they heard Sparkle

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Outside the castle, the Hero Squad was waiting for Sparkle they were playing with purple and brown leaves and other mythical plants when they heard Sparkle.

Tayrin Light: Guys my sister!!!

Cara Pop: She's in trouble!!!

The Heroes run to Sparkle except they only saw the flute which it was on the floor.

Tayrin Light: Where in the triangle is my sister !?!?!?

Laylin Grace: WHERE THE HEX DID SHE GO??!?!?!?!

They then all chat questions at once questioning and panicking. 

Tayrin Light: GUYS, WAIT! We need to look for some clues now!!!!

The heroes started running/walking in random directions minutes later Faye and Everett saw a portal so, the hero squad which in they are behind them saw them

Everett Oliver: Tayrin!!! I and Faye saw something!!!

Tayrin ran towards Everett and saw it when he saw it, his heart is beating color turquoise.

Tayrin Light: Guys, we need to go in there!

Back at Hero City.... (there on the mountain)

Sparkle is already awake shook her head and looked where she is she could barely see Hero City she wasn't in the Mythical world but on Hero City's mountain

Sparkle Light: What in the world?

Lady Horn: we meet again Sparkle!

Sparkle Light: Lady Horn! 

She then saw the elements and the staff and realized that Lady Horn will use them against her.

Lady Horn: Oh! looking for these??

She uses the powerful staff and shattered all the elements in front of Sparkle's face.

Lady Horn: Ha! You don't have anything your staff or the elements!

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