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The Mikealson Compound:

The mikealsons are all enjoying the peace. Elijah is reading, Klaus is painting. Davina, Freya and Hope are all working on a spell. As the rest of girls were on their phones.

When Hope began feeling light headed and fell backwards.

"Hope!" Everyone screamed in concern.

Hope layed on her the sofa with her head in her mothers lap.

"What spell were you doing?" Rebekah questions concerned looking at her unconscious neice.

"We weren't doing a spell we were just reading?" Freya answered in a mixture of confusion and worridness.

"Well obviously it was something." Klaus snapped as he paced around the room while looking at his daughter in concern.

As Hope started coming to consciousness as everyone rushed to her asking if she was okay and what had happened.

"I'm fine... I saw a girl. I think it was an accident." She tells them.

"A girl? What girl?" Marcel asks concerned for Hope. Whereas Klaus was planning on burning the person who thought they could mess with his daughter. As Hope simply shrugs.

"Hang on let me try. Ok you won't feel this I just need a drop of your blood Hope." She tells them as Hope nods and pricks her finger.

As Freya recites an incantation in Latin before looking up at Klaus who has an impatient expression plastered on his face.

"Um... Klaus who's Gabriella Deaton?" She asks as everyone looks at Klaus who has frozen in his spot and looked like a deer caught in the headlights before he clears his throat.

"Old friend. Why?" He vaguely answers before directing attention back to Freya who gives him and incredulous look.

"Klaus." She exclaims and everyone else raises their eyebrows.

"Klaus this has something to do with Hope. Ok so who is she really?" Hayley asks frustrated if Aurora and Lucien were anything to go by, she doesn't really know how to take the phrase old friend.

"She was the women I loved! Okay! Why the hell does it matter?" He snaps as everyone looks at him shocked Klaus only loved his family and always said love was a vampires greatest weakness.

"Because Gabriella was pregnant, you have another daughter Klaus." Freya tells him as Klaus looks over to her in shock as does everybody else.

"No. No. She would have told me." He denies as tears come to his eyes.

"Klaus I'm sorry but it's true you have another daughter. I can do a spell we can live through her memories and maybe you'll find an answer." She tells him in pity as he nods and everyone joins around wanting to meet their new neice.


Ok. So obviously very quick I haven't decided if I want them to come and merge the show during Season 4 or if they come after Season 4 not part of the storyline because the whole Chimera and Dread doctors wouldn't make much sense.

The Unknown Mikealson (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now