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Chapter 5.
The sun had set. Aiden had watched it go down. It was amazing. The sky
full of beautiful purples and blues was now black.
Pitch black.
He wasn't too sure of the time (his watch, of course, had been stolen
from him, a long, long time ago). But he knew it must be nearly
midnight. The sky had been dark for hours now.
It was exciting, laying on a mound of grass, watching the sun set and
stars appear. Only, there weren't any stars. But that was hardly
He knew it was time.
He felt blanketed in emotions, but he wasn't sure if that was a good
or a bad thing. He wasn't used to emotion. He couldn't work them out.
Fear, anxiety, excitement? He couldn't tell.
He stood up from the spot he had laid upon for the last few hours. He
was shaking. Shaking so much he found it hard to do anything but shake.
He was drenched in sweat, even though it was so cool. He tried taking
a step forward, but it was too difficult.
His teeth started chattering, and he felt so strange. He felt slightly
faint, as well.
Move, he told himself. Step forward! Somehow, he managed it. It
was only a few steps, but it felt like he was running a marathon.
Victorious, he reached his destination.
He felt worse, if possible. Plus, now he was awkward. Where should he
stand? Should he sit?
He wanted to take his top off, seeing as it was wet through with
sweat, but it didn't feel right. Nothing did. His hands couldn't
really do anything, anyway. They felt dead. All of his body felt dead.
A fuzzy feeling was going right through him and he let out a gasp of
air. Suddenly, he realised his breathing had become big gulps of air.
He was breathing fast, and his heart was pumping loudly. Blood was
pumping through his body at an astonishing rate. His body felt so odd,
so unusual, so absurd.
He could hear ringing through his ears. High pitched and sharp. And
He was still standing, but his knees were wobbling.
He fell to the ground. It hurt.
His hands were bleeding and covered in dirt, just like the rest of his
It was unreal, but even though Aiden had no recent experience with
emotion, he was now pretty sure what his body was trying to tell him.
As he sat across the railway track, he knew he what he felt.
He was absolutely petrified.

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