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"NASTY NOISES NASTY NOISE" mike groaned out

i know what this looks like and... yes yes i am fucking someone right now. this was one of the three people i've been "seeing" recently.

after my breakup me and michael became very close. and no this is not the michael i'm fucking... even tho he can still get it. over these 3 months me and mi mi (my my) became the best of friends. him and lily broke up...

nadine was fucking her of course. honestly i'm not surprised, nadines not a bad person regardless of the fact she appears to be a hoe. we all have our way of coping with things and her way is... fucking people.

between clubbing, one night stands, therapy, and hennessy me and michael are coping good. we both decided to get therapy with was one of the best decisions we've made. i can now proudly say i'm over chase and have no hate towards kyle for fucking him. and i'm 100% sure michael feels the same way with lily and nadine.

anyways back the guy i'm fucking. he's name is michael too but because of work we call him mike. he's really cool too but we both know that it's just sex and a warm body.

right now we're in cooler 20. and i know what your thinking i must be the nastiest person alive yo be fucking someone in a walmart cooler but in my defense we are never messy ;) plus i took all the totes and put them in the front cooler so no one would have a reason to walk in here.

right when i was about to finish our co worker Cat walked in the cooler. we immediately reached for something to cover us up as Cat froze, gagged and walked away.

i'm so embarrassed. it wasn't even the fact that i got caught fucking. it was the fact that Cat was my friend and i got caught with mike.

me and mike gathered ourselves and walked out the cooler. Cat was waiting for me outside and as mike walking the opposite way she winked and gave me a fist bump.

"hopefully next time it's the other mike" she quietly expressed.
after my shift michael texted me saying he wanted to go get drinks after work.

we met up at our favorite club "no boundaries." it was pretty packed considering it was the fourth of july.

after a few drinks me and michael were completely fucked up. did i say a few drinks?.... i meant a whole bottles of hennessy.... EACH.

"it's the fourth of july i'm ready to pop these fire crackas don't pop em on me where the police at?" michael imitated that one video

"ay there go the police right there"

he aggressively moved over.

we were in our friend nick's car since he was the only one sober. he dropped me AND michael off at my house for some reason.

"dood youuuuu can sleeeeeeeep onnnnn the couchhhhh" i slurred

we both stumbled in my house. i went straight to my room not know michael was following me.

i turned around and before i could speak he crashed his lips into mine. i instantly kissed back.

"i've been wanting to do that for so long" he spoke into my lips.

piece by piece clothes came off as our tongues danced in harmony as if the gods themselves strung a harp.
the sun peeked threw my blinds. i felt an arm draped over me and heard a light snore next to me.

i looked over. OH SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK. ITS FUCKING MICHAEL. i quietly began to freak out as all the events that happened came back into my memory causing a killer headache.

i decided to wake him up cautiously.

"mi mi wake up"

he slowly began to wake up and he just stared at me.

"do your remember anything?" i asked him

he grabbed the side of my face gently and kissed me letting me know he indeed did remember.

we cuddled for a while and softly drifted back to sleep considering be both were off today.

Garret and Michael: The OGP ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now