Infiltrating Alchemax

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When the bus stopped near by the Alchemax lab, you remembered a question that you've been meaning ask Miles.

Y/N: Hey Miles, you said that you electrocuted Peter
Miles: Yeah I don't know how though.
Y/N: Man I wonder if the spider that bit me gave me that power.
Miles: So Peter, you got a plan to get inside that lab?
Peter: Hmm you've got a point. What would I do if I were me?

Peter then tells the plan, not mentioning you or miles in it. When he finished you what part of the plan you asked guys were gonna do.

Peter: uh... you guys are Look out very important.
Miles: Look if you're gonna teach us Spider-Man stuff then at least let us help.
Peter: Just watch and learn guys you'll thank me later.

As Peter swings away you say to yourself, "Why did we have to get stuck with a janky, old, broke, hobo Spider-Man!" As you say this, you kick a large rock unintentionally breaking it in half.

Y:N: Huh, that's knew.

After a couple minutes pass, Miles hears the sound of a car pull up to the front of the building. You both thought it was nothing at first, until you saw a very big man in a suit step out. King-Pin was here!

Miles: We have to help Pete.
Y/N: Are you CRAZY? We'll get ourselves killed, you saw what he did to the other Spider-Man.
Miles: Then let's make sure he doesn't do it again.

You finally agreed and you both go through the same entrance Peter went in. When you opened the vent, you went in first and stuck pretty well to the walls of the vent. When Miles went in he didn't stick and came falling down on top of you.

Y/N: Ow
Miles: Sorry about that.

You both started looking for Peter in the vents. Y/N lead the way with Miles right behind him. Soon enough you found Peter and he also found the head scientist.

Peter: Hey what are you doing here.
Y/N: King-Pin is here, we can't wait outside and wait for him to find you.

You and Miles tried making Peter scoot over. You tried getting into a comfortable position in the vents but you struggled to do so.

Peter: Go back outside.
Y/N: No! We're not just gonna sit and do nothing, and let
Spider-Man die, I'm not doing that again!

Peter was surprised by this. He said that most people in the work place would try to kill him, it was a nice change of pace he said. Right after he said this, King-Pin was talking to the head scientist. Her hair was all over the place and she had streaks of dyed hair, she looked sort of like a hippie.

The scientist types in the password to her laptop and Pete got the passcode. When she unlocked it she told King-Pin the dangers of turning the collider on again. Peter wasn't really listening, he was mocking her.

Peter: This is pretty basic Spider-Man stuff. Look, he's gonna say " You have 24 hours"
King-Pin: You've got 24 hours.

Peter winked at you both, but when the scientist said that their dimension could collapse and Peter said that he was lying. When King-Pin and the head scientist left the room, Peter opened the vent on the office ceiling, and you both followed. He walked towards the laptop and typed in the passcode, but as he was typing it Miles got stuck on the ceiling. You and Peter tried to help him but nothing was working to get him unstuck.

Peter: They're right there they're gonna see you. Just let go be in the moment.
Miles: I am in the moment! It's a terrible moment.

Y/N remembered how he got unstuck at visions academy, he remembered his way of relaxing. He told Miles to do what he does when he relaxes. Miles stopped shaking and then started... singing.

Peter: Wait what is he doing.
Y/N: We listen to this song to chill out.

As Miles was about to sing the chorus he unstuck and fell on a table and on top of you. When Miles made a crashing sound from falling, all of your spider-senses went off, telling you that the Head scientist was coming. After that Peter realized that Miles and Y/N weren't there.

Peter: Guys where did you go?
Y/N: We're still here.
Peter: where I can't see you.
Miles: Riight in front of you.

After that you both realized you were invisible! That explains why the spider that bit you was see through. The moment was ruined when you saw the scientist walk closer to the door. Peter told you the password and told you to download the schematics. She walked and was very shocked.

Scientist: Spider-Man?
Pete: Oh hey didn't see ya there.
Scientist: Wow this is insane! I mean you're supposed to be dead.
Peter: Surprise.

She took off his mask and grabbed his face as Peter said "Okay that's mah face." Y/N typed in the password and was met with a very disorganized desktop.

Y/N: Damn organize your desktop lady.

Scientist: This might pinch a little.

She pushes Peter in a chair and lock him in it. She puts a q-tip in his mouth for samples, and when put it under a microscope, his cells were decaying. Peter then turned his attention to Miles who grabbed the computer while you held the monitor.

Peter: What are you doing?
Y/N: We're just sticking to it!

The scientist turns to Peter and says.

Scientist: Obviously you've been Glitching.
Peter: Nah, w-why would you even s-s-say that.
Scientist: if you stay in this dimension for too long your body is going to disintegrate. Do you know how painful that would.
Peter: No I don't know.
Scientist: You can't imagine... and I for one, can't wait to watch.

You all fell silent until Peter asked who she was.

Doc Oc: I am Doctor Olivia Octvious.

She took off her lab coat and revealed a green suit with balloon like tentacles on the back. She used one of the tentacles to choke Peter, and he said with as much breath as he could.

Peter: So I assume your friend call you Doc Oc?
Doc Oc: Actually my friends call me Liv. My ENEMIES call me Doc Oc.

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