Doc Oc's rematch

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Doc: Spider-Ma-

Miles cut her off with a hard punch to the face sending her far him as electricity exploded from his hand and releasing Y/N.

Y/N: Wow Miles! You're doing it on command!
Miles: About time right?!
Y/N: I'm so proud of you Miles!

Your excitement was interrupted by a panel from the walls around the collider flying past you and Miles. You both looked at where it had come from and discovered that Doc Oc wasn't finished with you yet!

You and Miles began to swing around Doc Oc and realized that the beam from the collider seemed to be getting stronger.

Y/N: Huh... We'll that doesn't look promising.
Miles: No it doesn't!

While you were distracted Doc Oc had grabbed you both and before she could attack you, a version of the Empire State Building's antenna got hooked onto her tentacles and sent you all flying.

Doc Oc had lost her grip and you and miles saw this as your chance to get to a safe place away from the mess shooting out of the beam. Peter and Gwen caught up with you both and joined the two of you.

Y/N: guys are you seeing this?!
Gwen: It looks like our dimensions are coming to us!
Peter: Does look cool though right?

It was indeed cool. The four of you watched in awe as buildings morphed and looked like a satisfying magic eye puzzle. Your amazement was interrupted by your spider-senses signaling danger. You all turned around and barely dodge a car that thrown at you by Doc Oc.

You and Miles were starting to get fed up and swung at Doc Oc. I swung in with a kick and Miles charged up his venom strike and got a direct hit on Doc Oc!

 I swung in with a kick and Miles charged up his venom strike and got a direct hit on Doc Oc!

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A/N: Yes this is an original drawing the I did. I might add a little improvements...

Doc Oc went flying. Gwen and Peter wanted in on the action and went after her as well. Peter got a couple punches at her but Gwen tried to her, Doc Oc hit her as hard she could. Gwen was now falling towards the beam.


You immediately went after her. You dove down trying your best to catch up to her, while dodging multiple objects in the process.  You were going so fast that the speed literally took off your hood. You finally caught up to her and grabbed her hand. She looked at you and said mockingly.

Gwen: Aw you came to save me! I love you.
Y/N: I love you more!

You shot a web in which Peter caught and yanked you both up.

Peter: That was adorable you two! Now hold on tight!

You and Gwen flew towards Doc Oc as Peter held onto the you were connect to. As you flying you grabbed Miles' arm and threw him towards Doc Oc as well. You, Gwen, Miles, and Peter all took turns hitting her and finished it off with you and Miles once again sending her flying towards the beam. You and Miles then fist bumped in triumph.

Doc Oc was just about to hit the beam until she caught herself between two skyscrapers coming out of the beam. She stared at you all with frustration and anger as she wiped blood off her chin. She charged at the four of you with an evil grin on her face.

Gwen: Buckle up guys this is gonna take awhile!

Doc Oc laughed with an evil intent as she neared you and just as she was about to reach you...
Out of nowhere a truck flew right into her rammed her out of the way.

Gwen: Okay never mind. Let's end this!
Miles: Guys I got it!
Y/N: No Miles I'll go. I'm the one who has the-

You were cut off by Miles showing the goober in his hand. Apparently when you had grabbed Miles to throw him at Doc Oc, he snatched the Goober from your sleeve which was the only safe place to the goober.

Y/N: Oh you gotta be kidding...
Miles: Don't watch the Mouth... Watch the hands!

Miles then swung up and then dove down between two buildings just barely missing them and avoiding from being crushed. He used his speed for momentum and swung all the way up to the panel at the top.

Miles: Wow. That was crazy.

It was crazy. So crazy it left you Peter and Gwen in awe!

Peter: Yeah we taught him that right?
Y/N: I didn't teach him that.
Gwen: And you definitely didn't...

A Swing of Faith (Spider Gwen x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now