Chapter 13

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"I knew it," Colin said softly but enough for Penelope to catch the words because her eyes doubled their size after.

"W-what?" Penelope could only mutter.

Colin's eyes involuntarily skimmed the papers once again. "I mean I didn't...but I felt- I- it didn't seem far off." He shook his head, which was not a good idea with how he felt a subtle stab behind his eyes. "I guess what I mean is I wasn't, I don't know...surprised?" He was almost talking to himself. Colin's head was throbbing so badly and he only, then, realized how much he had to drink a while ago while not having eaten since breakfast- very uncharacteristic of him.

"I-" Colin thought Penelope said but before he could hear anything more, the room went dark.

Colin woke up to an almost unnoticeable throbbing in his temples. It took a few moments before he could even open his eyes without the little light from the room assaulting his already blurry sight, which fully woke him up after he realized that it was no longer night time. He looked around the room that was lit by the small gap from the window curtains.

He wasn't at Number Five.

He looked at the furniture and noticed that it wasn't a guest room either. There were books on the bedside table, dressing table, and on top of most drawers. And the biggest give-away was her.

Penelope Featherington was on a chair opposite the bed. The sliver of cool morning light surrounded her like a halo, the dust around her shimmered as if the Sandman sprinkled his magical sand to put her to sleep. She was so peacefully tucked in the armchair like an innocent fairy that he could keep looking at her until he, too, slumbered back to sleep.

He had no time to test the theory because after a few minutes Penelope stirred. She must have felt him staring at her. She yawned and looked like she was only adjusting herself to go back to sleep but caught Colin already sitting up. "Oh! You're awake!" She fixed herself quickly while Colin tried to hide the amused smile forming in his face.

"How are you feeling?" Penelope asked once she had composed herself and tucked away the loose strand of hair from her face.

"I have been...well, better," he shrugged, the throbbing had faded and the drowsiness was wearing off. "What-why am I he- uhm..." Colin didn't know why he was so hesitant but it was only then that he started to feel a tinge of embarrassment with his state or his prior one.

"Oh! Well I uh- You're in my uhm...b-quarters..." Penelope reddened as she said the words. When she cleared her throat, she continued, "I thought it would be best for you to be where I could keep an eye on you, you see." She was speaking quickly now. "I didn't want my mother to know that you were inebriated and only Briarly and a footman knew about your state last night, while the rest of the household were left unaware. I thought it would be best for your reputation for that to be the case, you see. Than to be deposited on Number Five's doorstep in your condition just after dinner time, at least, you s-" she bit her lip upon realizing that she was repeating herself. She was so red, he thought it was endearing to see her like that as she had always seemed to compose herself so easily and quickly compared to the other ladies he encountered in society circles.

"Yes, I see." He was forgetting to be embarrassed with the show laid in front of him.

"I, now, realized that I might not have been thinking straight-"

"Penelope," Colin stopped her. "Thank you." She blushed and bit her lip once again. For some reason, he seemed to keep noticing her lips and how she moved them and what she did with them. But he might still be drunk so he moved on from the idea forming in his head. "I should, actually, apologize. I'm truly sorry you had to deal with that episode last night. I am so ashamed you had to see me in such a state." Colin couldn't help but look away. No one but his brothers have seen him or were forced to take care of him while incapacitated. And now, Penelope had seen him all ragged and a bewildered mess.

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