Chapter 19

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"I'm afraid Lady Featherington is not accepting guests at the moment."

Colin clenched his teeth. He tried his best to remain respectful and understanding for the past week. He would go to the Featherington house, be greeted and shooed away by the butler, and keep his mouth shut and leave silently after saying that he will be back the next day.

"I'm afraid that that is not an answer I will be taking. Not any longer."

"But Sir-"

"I will be marrying Lady Featherington's daughter sooner than later, and would greatly appreciate it if you let me have an audience with my future mother-in-law." He tried to enter but the butler side-stepped him.

"Briarly," he said, obviously losing patience. "I need you to move aside. I will take responsibility for any outcome of you doing so, therefore, please let me in. If you care at all for Miss Penelope, let me in."

Briarly's lips were drawn tight. Colin thought he would have barrelled past the butler but he sighed and opened the door wider, instead. "I will call upon the Mistress."

"Thank you," he sighed out in relief. He made his way into the drawing room, waiting for Lady Featherington while rehearsing what he had to say in his head. A tray of tea and pastries were sent in the room but he was too nervous to take a bite. He also didn't want to be caught mid-bite when she entered and risk losing the seriousness of what he wanted to say.

Almost twenty minutes had gone by and there was still no sign of the Mistress of the house. He had half the mind to finally take a pastry when the sound of footsteps took his attention from his growing hunger.

"Mr. Bridgerton," she greeted politely, if not a bit terse.

He stood up in attention and bowed. "Lady Featherington."

She slowly walked towards one of the chairs. "Not hungry are you?" She took the pot and poured them tea.

"I would never be so rude as to take any without the host." He accepted the tea but barely took a sip.

Lady Featherington stared at him for a while. "Forgive me for my lateness, then." Colin was about to say that it was his fault for coming unannounced and unwelcomed but she continued on. "I'm afraid I have not been taking callers or guests and have become quite a rusty hostess." She paused and took a sip. "But you are already aware of that."

"It is me who should beg for forgiveness as I have invited myself in without being handed neither invitation nor permission." Colin waited for a reply but none came. Lady Featherington continued to drink her tea in a terribly slow manner that it was obvious to Colin that she was hoping he'd grow tired of her lack of response and leave after saying his piece. He sighed as subtly as he could. "And I know that simply because I would soon have the young miss of this house as my wife, it does not give me a claim to the authority of your household..." He said slowly, emphasizing his relation with her- maybe to get a reaction from her or remind her of the matter that they should deal with as soon as possible, which is his marriage to Penelope. And as a redirection to the main purpose of his visit.

Lady Featherington's jaw clenched visibly but she finally put her cup down and stared at him. "Yes, Mr. Bridgerton. I see that you are right. I guess I should be gracious and forgive you."

Colin tried not to groan at the tediousness of their conversation but she said nothing more. "Thank you," he mumbled. He was about to say more when she stood up suddenly.

"Well, if you have nothing more to add, I must withdraw back to my chambers and rest my head. I have been feeling under the weather for quite some time and it has gotten awfully worse just now."

The Blossoming of Penelope Featherington | A BRIDGERTON FanficWhere stories live. Discover now