Chapter Three: The Tournament

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Disclaimer: KILLER INSTINCT is a property belonging to Rare and Microsoft and "The Wolf Man" is a property belonging to Universal Studios. I do not own any of these characters.

*Song: Lycanthropy by Mick Gordon - ( watch?v=3Whpo3lYRmA) (6:30)

Chapter Three: The Tournament

"Alone, alone, all, all alone, 

Alone on a wide wide sea!

And never a saint took pity on

My soul in agony.

The many men, so beautiful!

And they all dead did lie: 

And a thousand thousand slimy things

Lived on; and so did I."

- Samuel Coleridge, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"

The limo stopped in front of the thick iron gates of the Sabrewulf estate and waited as a pair of guards emerged from the tiny booth.

On the gate and their uniforms was the Sabrewulf sigil, a pair of crossed sabres with a wolf's head at the center, with the words "Zahn und Klaue" written beneath. Once the guards verified the identities of the occupants within the vehicle, they went back to the booth and electronically opened the gate, watching as it disappeared along the thick twisting wooded road ahead, then sealed it shut behind them.

* * *

Inside the limo, Konrad watched through the tinted window as various security personnel patrolled the dense forests and vast fields of his estate alongside the intimidating Theseus combat androids.

Inside the limo, Konrad watched through the tinted window as various security personnel patrolled the dense forests and vast fields of his estate alongside the intimidating Theseus combat androids

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