Chapter Thirteen: The Birthday Surprise

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Chapter Thirteen: The Birthday Surprise

"God has given you one face, and you make yourself another."

- William Shakespeare, "Hamlet"

The day Konrad dreaded came. Looking into the mirror on his dresser, the Baron stared into his reflection and didn't bother turning around when Jurgen entered.

"Good morning, Herr Baron," the butler greeted.

Konrad didn't answer.


"Don't even dare finish that sentence," Konrad said abruptly.

Jurgen quietly brought over his breakfast tray and put it beside him. "I'm sorry, Herr Baron."

Konrad's gaze remained on the mirror in front of him.

"Fifty years," the aristocrat murmured as he shook his head with disbelief. "When I was a child, I considered that to be old. I once thought- well, kind of naively promised myself that I'd never grow old."

"We all have to grow up sometime, Herr Baron."

He leaned back in his chair, nodding in agreement.

"Too true, Jurgen. Too true. Hard to believe it's already here." He paused in reflection, then looked over at the butler. "You want to know the funny thing though, Jurgen?"

"What's that?"

"I don't really feel like I'm fifty," Konrad said frankly. "I swear it's like I'm twenty." He scoffed. "The benefits of being a werewolf."

"Nein, nein, that's not the reason at all. You're just tiptoeing into it, Herr Baron, so it's natural to not notice it at first," Jurgen said, then added under his breath, "although behaviorally you do act like a child."

"I heard that."

"I wasn't making it a secret," Jurgen said cheekily.

Konrad rolled his eyes.

"Just a reminder, Herr Baron," the butler said, "you have an appointment with Mr. Zhou for your physical therapy, plus you have-have to do some...filming at the studio."

Konrad waved him off. "Ja, ja, I haven't forgotten," he replied. Standing up from his seat, he proceeded to put on his apparel before settling into his new wheelchair.

"I really wish you would reconsider it, Herr Baron," Jurgen said in disapproval.

The Baron said nothing as he put on his gloves.

"Why do you still want to go through with it?"

Konrad looked up at him. "Will you be coming to see me perform?"

Jurgen was quiet for a moment.

"I would rather not," he said truthfully, "but...if you insist on this foolhardy exercise, then I must."

The aristocrat gave a dismissive snort. "I just love your enthusiasm," he replied.

"I am not looking forward to this, Herr Baron."

"No one is forcing you to come," Konrad seethed.

"And no one is forcing you to dance like some damned trained monkey despite what you believe! You are the Chairman, for God's sake - you have the power to shut this down! You could have put a stop to this if you really wanted to, but you don't! Why?!"

Making sure the scarf and glasses were secure, the Baron glanced over at the butler.

"Just watch the program, Jurgen," he said simply. "You'll find the answer in there. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment to get to."

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