Chapter Ten: Genesis

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Disclaimer: KILLER INSTINCT is a property belonging to Rare and Microsoft and "The Wolf Man" is a property belonging to Universal Studios. I do not own any of these characters.

*Song: "Humiliation" - Killer Instinct Soundtrack ( watch?v=aFqhc5dAC_A)

Chapter Ten: Genesis

"We could not understand because we were too far and could not remember, because we were travelling in the night of first ages, of those ages that are gone, leaving hardly a sign — and no memories. The earth seemed unearthly. We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster, but there — there you could look at a thing monstrous and free."

- Joseph Conrad, "Heart of Darkness"

The hallway was unusually quiet.

As he was rolled toward the titanium door at the end, Konrad anxiously watched and listened. Although the hallway had been equipped with sensors and was kept at freezing temperatures, cold enough to make even Konrad himself shiver, he always felt apprehensive and alert whenever he came here. Beside him, Jurgen, Dieter and several researchers carrying fire extinguishers suspiciously eyed their surroundings, a few flinching at the slightest shadow. From behind the titanium door, Konrad heard nothing but the unmistakable crackling and sizzling of the thing's body, the unnaturally loud, harsh, pain-filled heaving of its breath that was amplified and distorted by the heat. It made no effort in demonstrating its rage - Konrad could practically feel it emanating from the door itself, even with it being shock and heatproof.

"It's been a while, Ben," Dieter called.

Ferris didn't answer.

"Are you sure about this?" Konrad whispered.

"Just let me handle it," the bodyguard said softly.

He looked back to the door.

"Well? Are you going to say anything?"


"Getting enough exercise in there?"

There came a low, threatening infernal growl, a sound that made everyone carrying fire extinguishers on edge.


'Christ, that voice!' Konrad thought. Even though months had gone by he could still never could get over how terrifying and horrible it sounded.

"Huh. I expected more," Dieter said.

"Yeah? Well fuck you," Ferris retorted.

"Ahh, there's the Benny I know!"

"What do you want?" The molten voice demanded impatiently.

Dieter tsked. "Ben, Ben, Ben, of all the questions to ask, why did you have to ask that one? I'm disappointed," the bodyguard drawled. "I would have thought that would have been obvious by now given our history."

"Get to the fucking point!" The creature snarled through grit teeth. "Obviously you didn't come down here to check up on my health. That's what the geeks around here are for."

"Alright, Ben, alright," Dieter said. "I have a job for you."

Konrad cringed as Ferris chuckled, a wretched and grotesque sound that reminded him of grating coals.

"A job," the voice repeated. "Dieter, in case you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly in any sort of condition to pull off anything."

Zahn Und KlaueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora