Chapter 10

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Third Chapter in one day!!!??? Man you are really overdoing it Lunch Kid. Well it's worth it. While I have time, why not? Chapter 10 here we go!

As Jeffrey came to, he quickly realized that he was still in the deep dark cave although there was something soft-ish at his head. As he touched it, Jeffrey recognized it as his pack which to his great pleasure, was still loaded with food.

"Oh thank goodness." Jeffrey loudly exclaimed and immediately dove into the food. However as he happily munched, the rational part of his brain began thinking again.

"How did my pack get way down here anyway? Revan?" Jeffrey called. "Revan are you still there?"

"Yes I am here, what do you need from me?" Came his answer from the holocron.

Jeffrey let out a sigh of relief, "Ok can you explain to me how my pack ended up down here? Or am I just hallucinating?"

Revan laughed, "No you are not hallucinating and yes I can explain. You fell unconscious trying to contact your master whom you must have connected with somehow because not long after, that pack was hurtling down here. I used the Force to stop it and then pushed it underneath your head so that you wouldn't hurt your neck."

"Huh. Guess I should have waited before trying to contact my master." Jeffrey let a small smile light his features.

"Yes, although I believe you have learned your lesson?" Revan asked as Jeffrey nodded.

"Good because there is still much to do in little time."

"I understand, but could you tell me how I can train to eventually get out of this underground cave?"

Revan sighed, "Alright here is what is going to have to happen. Your going to need to Force jump yourself all the way up there."

"What? Ok listen, I am just learning and that has to be like the biggest jump in the history of jumps."

"Well there are a few wildcards to make this work. First, I can give you a boost from down here and launch you up. Second, once you are close enough, your master can lift you the rest of the way."

"That sounds risky." Jeffrey smirked.

"Sometimes you have to take a risk." Revan responded.

"But first," "Training. I know already." Jeffrey said as he prepared for more training.

Over the next two days, Revan continued to train Jeffrey in the ways of the Force. Meanwhile Jeffrey and Ahsoka developed a Force bond and through it communicated telepathically. Once Jeffrey ran out of food, he had Ahsoka pick fruit from the fruit trees that naturally grew on the tropical surface. She would then throw it down the hole and Jeffrey would catch it with the Force before it would hit the ground. He stayed in close contact with Ahsoka and informed her of how he would get out and that he would let her know when.

On the morning of the fourth day in the cave, Revan woke Jeffrey up with some important news. 

"Today is the day that we will progress to the next part of your training." Revan informed Jeffrey.

"Alright! What is it?" Jeffrey cheered.

"Find the hidden door in the cave. You will know what to do after that." Revan said before falling silent.

"Revan? REVAN?" Jeffrey called out, only to be answered with silence.

"Here we go again, let Jeffrey figure it out all by himself." Jeffrey said.

"Find the hidden door? That could mean so many things." Jeffrey paced while he thought.

"I guess I should use the Force." Jeffrey stopped pacing and closed his eyes while putting his hand on one of the walls of the cave.

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