An Ancient and Noble Bloodline

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Draco found Harry and the quiet librarian rearranging bookshelves into tranquil, individualised spaces. Harry was looking happy and Hebe Knipping was looking at him with clear hero-worship in her eyes.

'We shall need a Warded lockable cabinet. We have a number of very dark books that should not be just left lying around,' she said. 'And strong Wards on the whole area, particularly...'

'...against fire,' he finished for her. 'Yes, I'm aware of that. I have someone I want to call in to look at the Wards over the entire hall, but I've already put up a certain number of basic wards.'

'Good, we must protect our books,' she said.

It made Draco smile that Madame Knipping was already laying claim to the collection. He slipped an arm around Harry's waist, pulling him close. 'How's the Calming Potion holding up?' He recognised the immediate fire ignite in Harry's eyes but he could tell it was much more controlled.

'I think it'll work as a temporary solution, especially with everyone around. It doesn't seem to dampen the strength or ability of my magic but I certainly feel much more in control. Less volatile...' Harry said as he leant into Draco's side. 'We just need to keep an eye on how much I'm using it.'

Madame Knipping watched with wide eyes.

Draco announced, 'everyone is having lunch in the Breakfast Room, it's a little crowded but Teddy is holding court and Letty is in her element. Now would be a good time to move the shelves, the sorting is nearly done regarding all the books in the gallery.'

'Mr Potter,' Madame Knipping said quietly. 'Before you start, there are two things which have occurred to me. First, I think you should consider turning the cleared gallery in the Great Hall into a portrait gallery. It might be worth considering that your Ancestors need a distinct space, it is important, especially if Ancestral Magic is at play here. I noticed two in here, and a number in the Hall but it may be preferable to have them together, to acknowledge your past and so that they know they are valued. I imagine you have quite a collection spread around the Hall, which your own portrait will need adding to...'

'My portrait?' Harry stuttered and Draco could have laughed.

'Yes, Mr Potter. It is probably very important though we need to check the books on such things. I seem to remember reading once that Ancestral Magic requires portraiture. You will, of course, be able to permanently hold some of your magic in the picture.'

'Isn't that like a Horcrux?' Harry asked, his face suddenly paling. Draco held his hand firmly, drawing him round to look into the wide and frightened green eyes.

'H, you're not thinking. There's a difference between your magic and your soul, and you know what is required to break your soul into pieces...'

'Yes, yes... of course. Bloody stupid of me,' Harry muttered.

'No, just a lot going on.' Draco lifted a hand to softly stroke Harry's cheek, who's eyes fluttered shut.

Goodness, Hebe thought, they really are very much in love. It made her feel a little lightheaded as her stomach tingled on their behalf. It was wonderful, she thought, though maybe part of the issue too. Maybe the Ancestors were concerned, it was, after all, an ancient and noble bloodline that they were dealing with; there were more requirements than just a portrait.

Hebe gave a discreet cough to bring their attention back to the current room.

'Another question, Mr Potter. Do you have a family tree tapestry? I wonder if it might show us if any of your ancestors were in a similar situation to you and whether it offers a resolution.'

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