The Portrait Artist

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Hebe Knipping had been invited to stay the night at Beaumont Hall. She couldn't possibly, it would be far too much an imposition on them all and poor Mr Potter was dealing with so much. Still, she felt very privileged and also just a little bit delighted by the invitation as she tucked up into her own bed that night. And it had been a most interesting evening and she was enchanted with how she had been invited to stay for dinner and the conversation was so fascinating, so educational. She felt settled too, the knowledge that she'd never found her soulmate had always suggested there was something wrong, perhaps with her. Now she knew it was right. It had, in truth, always felt right to be alone. She didn't want to share her space with other company and the idea of an intimate relationship with someone else had always made her feel deeply uncomfortable. She felt vindicated, that the Ancestral Well understood that and she wasn't being forced into a situation that would never have suited her wishes. She finally felt at one with who she was; that she could be accepted for never wanting to marry or have children. Her sister had never understood her, criticised her even, told her she was selfish. But at Beaumont, in this diverse and welcoming home, she felt acknowledged for being her. She felt she could live her life unquestioned; just her and her books. She felt like she suddenly fitted. It made her want to give back to Mr Potter and Mr Malfoy because they'd suddenly provided her with more than she ever imagined. They'd given her space to find her identity and to be who she wanted to be.

She went back to the Hall the following morning after a fitful night's sleep, even though she wasn't expected until the Monday. She made her way up to third floor of the north turret to check on Ronald Weasley's work. She found there wasn't much to reorder, especially as she had given him very specific categories and the way of collating things. The library was beginning to feel more settled and she breathed a contented sigh. However, there was still a lot to do.

Minerva McGonagall joined her on the second floor just as she was making her way downstairs.

'I'm glad I have all those stairs at Hogwarts to keep me fit,' Minerva said with a self-depreciating little smile. 'We weren't expecting you in today, Hebe. I know Harry offered you a job but...'

'Oh no,' interrupted Hebe. 'This is all on my own terms. I wanted to come back. I...' she looked at Minerva McGonagall and took a deep breath. 'Yesterday, your son gave me a gift. For the first time in my life, I feel like I can hold my head up high and proudly say, "I am asexual and aromantic - this is me!".' There were tears in her eyes but she felt elated to say it aloud for the first time. 'I don't need to worry that I haven't found my soulmate or that I don't want to have a relationship with anyone. I am allowed to be happy being me, with my own company and my books. I can accept, without any guilt, that I don't want something else. And here, well, everyone has been so welcoming, so wonderful, and I can be me without any questioning or expectations. I can be at ease with my identity for the first time in my life...'

Minerva gave her arm a small squeeze. 'I am happy for you.'

'Thank you. I cannot express the relief I feel. Like I've come home. I don't mean...' she suddenly blushed at the implication that Beaumont was home.

'I understand.'

'I wanted to come in because I came across another book yesterday that may prove useful. It's a crossover between Art and Ancestral Magic.'

Hebe summoned the book and she handed it to Minerva. They stood side by side as Hebe explained. 'Despite my wishes otherwise, magic does have a habit of crossing between disciplines. I found this text on Mr Fleamont's shelves.' She tapped on the book called Magical Portraiture by Virgil Ackhart. 'This one will be catalogued under "Art" but is relevant to "Ancestral Magic". Ackhart discusses how the wizard or witch artist ensures the portrait moves, depending, of course, on the artist's ability. However, and this is important for Mr Potter, because it is the wizard or witch who is the subject of the portrait ensures that the image has the characteristics of themselves. Ackhart also talks about family portraits in the old Houses, it has some information which I think will be very important you to consider.' Hebe frowned a little. 'As I understand it, Mr Potter-Harry needs to be able to access Black Ancestral Magic for Sirius Black's portrait.' She paused, thinking hard. 'It's more complex than that though, isn't it? There's also Slytherin and then Potter as Harry's grandparents adopted him. Perhaps it is more about percentages but this is not my area. As I said yesterday, I am not a scholar.'

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