Sidemen Become Parents For 24 Hours

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Channel : Sidemen
Post date : July 29th, 2019
Edited : ☑️


- Foul language
- Injury
- Baby... killing... That sounds so bad... 😂😅

Your outfit ⤵️

Your outfit ⤵️

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I rubbed my eyes as I knocked on Ethan's apartment door. This was going to be a looong day. Vik opened the door for me but quickly turned back around and yelled back to the boys down the hall. I rolled my eyes at the unfortunately regular behavior and followed Vik through into the lounge.

"What're you yelling at?" I asked as I entered the room.

"You!" They all yelled back to me in unison. I glared at them at little before rolling my eyes.

"Well, I'm sorry but I'm here now. So let's just get this show on the road." I exclaimed and pumped my fist up into the air. I chuckled at how energetic I just was.

We lined up in front of our lovely camera man, Kon. This was Ethan's video so he was in front of us, barely.

"Here we are." Ethan started. "We're about to be parents for the day. Are you guys ready?" He asked turning to face us.

"No, no..." We all echoed out. I shook my head nervously, grabbing onto my right arm.

"Right, JJ, Josh and Y/n, you're gonna be in a group of three." Ethan told us pointing to the three of us. I nodded in response and moved a tad closer to Josh. They must've figured this out when I was still in the cab, even though Josh let out a hearty laugh. "But you get to take a pick of your baby and then reveal it."

"Choose your starter Pokémon." Vik said making me chuckle. His voice trailed off out of my ears when Josh started to talk to me and JJ.

"Which one do you want?" He asked looking between the two of us. I shugged in response as I stared at the three towel covered strollers. The only difference in the prams was that the middle one was covered with a teal Sidemen Clothing towel.

"I mean, they're all making noise, fam." JJ said as Josh stopped moving his hand between the three strollers.

"I think we go for that one because it's got a different towel." Josh said pointing to the middle one. I nodded and stuck out my bottom lip, it seemed like a good enough reason.

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