Sidemen Lie Detector

609 19 4


Channel : Sidemen
Post date : January 13th, 2020
Word count : 16,454
Edited : ☑️

Author note

Well, another day, another chapter. I don't really have much to say in this author note. I just hope you enjoy the chapter, and have an amazing day that you deserve!
Much love, as always, Eyelyn. <3


Which of JJ's characters is your favourite?

I don't know if I would say I have a favourite but I do love Babatunde.


- Foul language
- Lots of "time skips" due to how the video is edited together
- Sexual insinuation
- Punishment

Your outfit ⤵️

Your outfit ⤵️

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Arriving at Simon and JJ's flat, I slipped my shoes off just inside the door like I always did. I smiled to myself, hearing the chatter of the boys down the hall. Making my way into the living room I found our 'set' for the day pretty much all ready to go. I happily greeted the boys, plopping down on the couch to wait for those who had still yet to arrive.

Today was Lie Detector day, a slightly nerve-wracking day for all of us for some reason or another. But I was only slightly excited, having never done one before, obviously. Who gets to do a lie detector test unless you're suspected of a crime?

The chairs from the boys dining table were all set up in a line, so that those not being subjected to the test would sit on and watch. Then there was the hot seat, a chair left at the top of the table facing all of the equipment that was set up. The chair on the opposite side of the table was left for the tester, in this case it would mostly be JJ or should I say Folabi?

Once we were all present and accounted for, JJ walked around the table, sitting down in front of the laptop that would tell him if we were lying to him or not. Ethan took the hot seat and the rest of us sat down in the viewing chairs. Camera's started rolling and JJ flicked into his role as Folabi.

"Hello and welcome to detector lie." Folabi introduced the video. I smiled, lifting my leg up to rest my foot on the chair creating a triangle with my leg. "Today, we're going to be finding out from all these Sidemen if they are liars." He continued, glancing between all of us before returning his gaze to the camera. "Oh yes. Folabi is back." He addressed triumphantly, forcing a light chuckle for a few of us. "Go tell a friend or a lion in the jungle."

He laughed, alongside the boys who were trying not to but failing. Amused, I glanced between the boys, stifling my own soft chuckles.

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