The Newest Sidemen Member

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This is just something I wanted to do. So, enjoy it 😊

Channel : Y/c/n
Post date : February 2nd, 2019
Edited : ☑️


- Foul language
- Amazing cuteness!

Your outfit ⤵️

Your outfit ⤵️

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"Hello." I said simply to the camera that was opposite the couch I was sitting on. "And welcome... Today is a very scary but amazing day." I continued super seriously. "Today I am... well... maybe you should just come with me and see." I said getting up and leaning to grab the camera.

I detached my camera from the tripod, grabbed my keys and left my apartment. I took the tube to the designated location, well it was close enough I had to walk a block but still. I filmed a few small shots here and there just to fill up the video a little more. Once I was directly outside the building I restarted the camera.

"Ok, so it's absolutely fucking freezing out here and I have to wait..." I shivered, snuggling into my woolly jacket more. "Why..?" I grumbled, sticking out my bottom lip and instantly regretting it due to the cold.

After what felt like an hour the person I was waiting for rounded the corner. Josh. I had decided to call Josh here instead of one of the other boys. I knew he'd help me, properly and maturely.

"What the hell took you so long! I'm frozen solid!" I yelled at him, cupping my hand over my mouth so my voice would reach him. I could hear him chuckling from where I stood. I rolled my eyes and waited for him to arrive next to me. "Well, look who decided to show up." I fake glared whipping my camera over to him.

"I'm here now." He told me, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

We both chuckled before turning around to enter the small building. I passed my camera over to Josh so he could film me as we went. We were excitedly greeted by the lady I had previously spoke with, though I had never seen my potential purchase.

"Come in! Come in!" She cheered running into the reception area. We both smiled widely as Josh flicked the camera on, I had asked her if she wanted a little bit of press and she agreed to it.

"Ok, before we start I should probably tell you guys what we're doing here." I said spinning around to look down the barrel of my camera. I sheepishly smiled, crinkling my nose up at Josh before I continued. "Everyone knows I moved out of the Sidemen house and into my own apartment a few weeks ago. So I thought since I don't have any roommates anymore that I would do something I've always wanted to. I'm... getting... a... dog!" I cheered raising both arms up into the air.

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