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You watched as Negan walked by his bat held tightly in his hand. You and Negan where definitely more than friends but it wasn't anything official.

''Y/n . Hurry the fuck up I'm a very busy man.'' Negan laughed as you followed behind him. Negan gripped hold of your hand tightly as you both walked with each other. You where in ricks group. They all didn't like Negan at first but once he decided to not kill Glenn or Abraham they grew closer. You laid your head on his shoulder as his fast walking pace slowed down.
''Comfy there are we.''
''Very. You.''
''You know it princess.'' He laughed kissing the top of your head making you look him in the eyes. He placed several soft kisses on your lips before holing your hand again.

''Y/n. I've wanted to talk to you about this for a while but.''
You grew worried as you looked at his nervous face.
''I want us to be official. I want you to be mine and only mine.''
''Of course . You big idiot I was always yours.'' You laughed kissing his cheek as his once worried look faded.

''I knew that.'' He said in his cocky jokey tone.

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