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You watched as your girlfriend Maggie slept next to you. It was a warm summer night and you couldn't sleep. You had a journal you kept under your pillow. You where writing and drawing in it. You hoped maybe you would be able to fall asleep.

Your pen dropped out of you hand and landed on Maggie face. It was a soft drop so you hoped that she didn't feel it and wake up. She was so peaceful you would hate if she woke up because of you.
''Sweetheart.'' Maggie said in her tired raspy voice.
''Sorry I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep you haven't had a good sleep in a while.'' You said looking at her barely open eyes.
''Same with you. You should be the one sleepin.'' She laughed taking your journal and pen and placing them in a draw.
''It's too warm to sleep.'' You say sighing.

You laid down as Maggie wrapped her arms around you pulling you in close. You nuzzle your head into her neck smelling her sweet scent. Roses. Your favourite scent of her. She loved roses . At the farm you and her would pick them up anytime you saw them.
''I love you birdie.''
''I love you chick.'' Maggie said before placing a kiss on your forehead and closing her eyes once again to fall back into another slumber.

You always felt safe and protected in Maggie's  arms you only hoped she felt the same with her in yours. You placed one last kiss in her neck before closing your eyes.

This time it didn't take long for you to fall asleep. This time you felt safer almost like there was no more fear. It all disappeared when she was near. You had never felt this way about anyone else. You knew she was the girl you loved most. She was your you where hers. You where destined to be . She was your girl and you where hers. Life never seemed more simple at that moment. Why couldn't it be like this forever? Why did it have to change? You thought to yourself as you fell asleep . The thoughts and questions still working around you head. Why? How? When?

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