11: What Do You Mean You Don't Sparkle?

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I blinked once. Then twice. Cocking my head, I said, "Sorry, could you repeat that?" Surely I've misheard. There's no way he said—

"I am a vampire," he said again, more slowly, more confidently.

Nope... He definitely said what I thought he said...

I stared at him, waiting for the smile to spread across his face, waiting for him to cave and give up the joke.

But he continued to gaze back, no element of humour in his gaze.

So I started laughing. "Good one! You got me a moment there."

But he didn't join me. His lips didn't even turn upward. In fact, he seemed a little... dejected. Almost as if he had expected this response from me and had hoped for more.

"You didn't really think I'd fall for that one, did you?" I asked nervously when he didn't speak. "Good way to break the ice though. Now what did you really want to tell me?"

He sighed and looked away. "Of course you don't believe me..."

I stared at him, searching again for a crack in the facade. How long is he going to try pulling off this joke?

"Guys," Ben called out a little above a normal talking tone. "Can you come help?"

I wasn't sure who he was talking to. We were far away from where we last saw his housemates.

But sure enough, they had somehow heard him, as the five of them suddenly forwarded into the room, standing awkwardly by the door, giving me distance as if any sudden movement or proximity would frighten me.

My eyes widened as I glanced around, searching for a camera or microphone that he could have used to communicate with them. But if there was one, it was definitely hidden.

My stomach tensing and tears threatening to spring to my eyes, I felt the joy begin to evade my body as the humiliation sunk in. All the secrecy and drama... only to be part of some ridiculous practical joke.

I figured it was all too good to be true.

That he was too good to be true.

Ben and his friends must get a crack out of playing with people's feelings.

I glanced at the doorway, wondering if it would be easy to escape here.

I didn't want them to make any more fun of me than they had already.

But then Erica slowly approached me, breaking away from the group to sit on the couch by my side. "I'm a witch," she said, as if I would believe her.

I rolled my eyes and looked past her to Ben. "I can't believe you're doing this to me," I spat at him.

Though his eyes begged me... pleaded me to believe. "Just... go along with it. Please."

My jaw clenched, gaze turning back to Erica.

If I put up with the antics, eventually I could leave, right?

I was too scared to just run now... what if that was part of their plan? Those who run get tortured or murdered... or whatever sick game they were playing that I had walked straight into.

"Can I have something of yours? Maybe that bracelet?" Erica asked.

Shooting a glare at Erica then at Ben over her shoulder, I yanked the silver bangle off my wrist and held it out to her.

What is she going to even do with it? Tie some string and pretend it 'levitates'?

As she gently took it from my grasp, she brought her other hand out, palm upwards as she placed the bracelet in the middle. Next, she hovered her free hand over the top, giving me clear room to see the space around metal and no sign of strings.

Vulnerable: Book 1 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now