18: An Old Flame

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And then life went back to normal. Over the next week I went to the library each morning, doing my research on my own until Ben would turn up at midday to take me to lunch.

He never let me pay, which irked me, but I didn't want to start a fight over it when I still wasn't sure where I stood with him yet. I was still desperate to make myself desirable to him.

On Tuesday I went to my final writers' meeting, and Thursday and Friday Ben walked me to work again.

However, as I finished my shift on Friday night and turned to walk home, I found a familiar face waiting for me.

"What are you doing here?" I exclaimed, hurriedly shuffling over to Ben's side.

"Jade is holding a small gathering tonight and was wondering if you would like to come," he said, eyes taking me in as though he were unsure.

"You couldn't have texted that?"

"Well... I was hoping if I just turned up you'd be more inclined to say yes."

My eyes narrowed at him and his cockiness. "Perhaps I might. But I would have to get changed..."

He gestured at the footpath in front of us as if to say 'lead the way'.

· · ───── ∘☽༓☾∘ ───── · ·

After the fifteen minute walk back to my place, I turned to him and said, "Do you want to come up? It is getting cold out."

He bit his lip and looked up at the building.

"I will get changed in the bathroom, so no need to freak out like we are in the 1920s."

He frowned at that. "I wasn't born until 1922 and for most of the 20s I was too young to know about societal norms so—"

"Yeah yeah, old fart." I swung the door open, holding it for him as I asked, "So are you coming?"

He stepped over the threshold in response.

When we got to my apartment and I walked inside, leaving the door open for him, he glanced around from the outside.

"Do I have to invite you in or something?" I joked, trying to piece together the meaning behind his strange response.

Rolling his eyes, he stepped into my apartment and closed the door behind him. "I don't know how to say this nicely, Olivia..."

"So say it rudely."

"Okay... This place is a dump."

I shrugged, taking off my jacket and plopping my bag down. "It was the best I could afford this close to the city centre without having to do share accommodation." I took off my shoes and then perused my wardrobe. Not wanting to acknowledge his judgement further, I changed the topic."What's the dress code of this gathering thing?"

"Um. Casual?" Ben looked down at himself.

"I hope you're not going from your own attire because you only wear casual black."

He grinned at me. "They're designer brands."

I rolled my eyes and pulled out some jeans and a nice floral shirt, muttering to myself, "Rich people," before I closed the bathroom door.

"Hey! I heard that."

"Suck it up, bitch!"

"I mean... I suppose I do suck."

My eyes went wide and arms paused midway in pulling my shirt over my body.

Did he just make a vampire joke?

Vulnerable: Book 1 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now