19: Truth or Dare?

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After dinner finished, we migrated to the living room, which I watched in awe as it transformed in front of my eyes. 

The coffee table lifted into the air, floating out of the room. All the pillows in the vicinity flew in. The candles around lit up, and the lamps flickered on before the music kicked in. A cozy chatting area now in the middle, we filed in, sitting in a circle... everyone else oblivious to the workings of magic that had just blown my mind.

"Shall we play truth or dare?" Faye was quick to challenge the group.

A couple of people groaned, but those excited outnumbered them. And so it began.

"Lukas," Faye started. "Truth or dare?"

His eyes narrowed at her as he said, "Dare."

"Take your shirt off now, boy!" she hollered.

I couldn't help but giggle at her enthusiasm as she said it. 

Sure enough, Lukas complied without any complaint, stripping his shirt off. 

Though as he did so, the smile on my face fell. Taking in the scars over his torso, my heart winced in pain for him. 

What did his uncle do to him? Ben said they heal if someone cuts them... 

I didn't look away in time. 

From across the circle, Lukas glanced up at me, catching me staring. A myriad of emotions flashed across his face in the seconds that past until... he winked at me.

Blushing, I quickly averted my gaze.

But he wasn't done with me. "Ollie. Truth or dare?" he asked.

"Truth," I said, hesitantly, wary to know what would follow that exchange.

"Lame!" But he brought a hand up, rubbing his chin as he thought. "Tell us about your first kiss."

My eyes narrowed in response, wondering why he was curious about this of all things...

Though I didn't have to wonder long. He faked surprise as he gasped, "Don't tell me you haven't had one. You and Ben are a perfect ma—"

"I was fourteen," I started, cutting him off. "Her name was Marli. And it was also during a game of truth or dare."

"Did you like it?"

"Fairly certain you only get one question." I turned away from him, scanning the circle. I didn't know who to ask or what I would even say. So, not wanting to start anything with people I barely knew, I went for a safe bet. "Jade."

A smile spread across her face, seemingly happy I chose her. "I pick truth."

Stifling my own joy in her reaction, I said, "What's one celebrity you would ditch Loren for?"

Loren frowned at me, but Jade laughed before pressing a kiss to his head. "How can I pick one?"

"Hey!" Loren said, clearly expecting his partner to have shot me down.

"Um... Ryan Gosling."

I nodded slowly as I rubbed my chin, as though pondering the many options. "Good choice."

We went around the circle like that, taking turns making each other do crazy things... or forcing people to divulge their 'deepest and darkest secrets'.

Though I was quick to figure out nothing embarrassed anyone here... they were more than friends. They were family, comfortable with every part of each other. 

When the question landed on Lukas once more, they let him put his shirt back on. "Dare," he said again.

"I dare you to hold onto Ollie's hand for a whole minute," Loren challenged.

Vulnerable: Book 1 of the Magic Mutations Series | ✓Where stories live. Discover now